Displaying 1301 - 1310 of 2365 results
The Cvent Partner Program, Maximise Value and Deliver Results
Learn about the Cvent Partner Program and how we are committing to our partners growth. We know how trends in the event tech industry impact your business and the way we work together. We will review
Social Psychology for Event Managers
Chances are, we couldn’t do our jobs as event organisers without the right people signing off along the way. How do we get those people to not only approve the items we want but also make decisions
Simplifying Strategic Meetings Management: It's Easier Than You Think
For many, the idea of implementing a Strategic Meetings Management (SMM) programme is something that seems overly complex, time-consuming and unnecessary for their organisation. This is simply a myth
Simplify Room Block Management with Cvent Passkey
Room block management is one of the most tedious yet essential aspects of planning for an event. Manual rooming lists leave room for human error and leave you at a security risk if you resort to
Running a Successful Global Meetings Programme for Pharma: A Dialogue
Join industry leaders running global pharma meetings programs to benchmark your progress and discuss not only what works but how it works. This session will be a dialogue among peers. We will solicit
Partner Workshop
Invite only session for third party agencies and partners to meet with the Cvent team and discuss product feedback, customer collaboration and future product enhancements.
Navigating the New Normal - Data Privacy in the Era of GDPR and CCPA
Shifting data privacy regulations are having a profound impact on meetings and events. National and international regulations are setting an increasingly high bar for obtaining and processing personal
Measuring Event ROI and the Pillars of Event Intelligence
Only 23% of business executives say they can calculate ROI for events! We know it's difficult for companies to understand what reports they have or even what they need to prove ROI. We will cover the
Event Management Software Get in Touch Thank You (Generic)
Proske increased their efficiency of meetings management and event organisation through a strategic integration with Cvent