Geneva-based EVA is a global events management company, offering strategic guidance and creative support to a wide range of businesses, governments, and international organisations across industries.
Founder and CEO, Carolina de Jong, launched EVA in 2019. Today, the company manages events of all formats and sizes, ranging from small, one-day workshops to multi-day conventions for over 3,000 participants.
The challenge: Finding technology that addresses the full event process
Carolina discovered Cvent when her largest client asked her to investigate technology that offered a more holistic event management approach.
“The challenge they’d always had with the platforms and tools entering the market was that they were tailored towards solving individual problems rather than addressing the full event process,” Carolina explains.
“You could send out personalised invitations, but you’d still have to manually update the CRM system, build an event website and do the registration management. It was still so time-consuming, so we wanted to know if there was a better way.”
Her client’s priority was a single platform that would seamlessly integrate with Salesforce, which led Carolina and the company's Head of Data, Adeline Gnecchi, to Cvent.
Unearthing data-driven insights for better agenda building
Another key area for Carolina is being able to use the Cvent platform to unearth valuable insights and measure engagement, which helps her clients evolve their programmes and agendas.
“Everything from invitation open rates, app downloads and in-person badge scans, through to how many people have logged on to view a live session or watched a piece of on-demand content is available to you,” she says. “Our clients can see what topics were of interest and which themes were engaged with most, which helps them to shape agendas and trends for the following year.
Elevating client events with Cvent
EVA’s ambitions are to grow into North America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Every day Carolina speaks with companies that would benefit from having a single event management platform that can integrate with different CRMs, provide seamless check-in and attendee engagement data, plus offer great customer support as well as a range of tools to enhance and personalise the attendee experience.
With Cvent on her side, everything is possible.