
2024 Cvent Travel Managers Report: Europe Edition

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Welcome to the Europe edition of the 2024 Travel Managers Report, Cvent’s annual corporate travel pulse-check. Corporate travel managers in Europe have noticed an increase in business travel volume, with 35% believing it has already returned to pre-pandemic levels and the other 35% expecting it to happen by the end of 2024. However, the industry faces challenges due to significant price hikes driven by inflation and rising energy, goods, and services costs. This has led to changes in hotel sourcing strategies and the need for travel program managers to optimise budgets through negotiation and rate preferences.

The Cvent Travel Managers Report provides insights and guidance for navigating challenges in the business travel landscape.

Gain key insights into:

  • An overview of millennial travel managers and their outlook on the industry
  • How cost increases are affecting corporate travel strategies
  • What percentage of travel managers also play a part in events
  • Crucial technology to help both travel managers and hotels collaborate better together 

Download the report to discover what European travel managers are saying.
