Questions about registration can only be answered by the planner of the event. Our clients do not share this information with us.
Please review the FAQs below for additional information. You will need to contact the event planner for specific questions and additional assistance.
Frequently Asked Questions
There are many ways that planners may share their contact information with you. Every event is different, but some common methods are:
- Reply to an email that you received—like an invitation or confirmation email.
- Send an email to the planner from the Contact Us button or Planner link on the website.
- Look for staff information or a Contact Us page on the event website.
Cvent is robust and customisable software—no two events are alike! Depending on the event, you may be asked for contact information, need to answer survey questions, register additional people, purchase tickets, create your own agenda, and request travel. You will need to access the registration site to begin the process. Watch this short video or view the steps to learn more.
It's up to the planner if you can change the details of your registration on your own, and modifications may be restricted after a certain date. If you do not see the option to modify your registration, contact the planner of the event for more information. Watch this short video or view the steps to learn more.
When you finish a registration in Cvent, you will see your confirmation page with registration details and your unique confirmation number. Be sure to note your confirmation number. You will need it to access your registration details again. We also recommend saving or printing this page for your records. Contact the planner or click here to learn more.
It’s up to the planner if you can cancel your registration for their event, and cancellations may be restricted after a certain date. If you do not see the option to cancel your registration, contact the planner of the event for more information. Click here to learn more.
If you are not able to finish a registration, please try again later or contact the planner of the event to assist you. We recommend having the following information ready when you contact the planner:
- The name of the event
- The contact information you entered when attempting to register
- The selections you made and the expected outcome
- The exact text and/or technical information that displayed if a notification message appeared