August 08, 2018
By Mansi Soni

Live events are powerful. And they don’t have to be budget drainers — they can actually be big money-makers for your organisation. In fact, recent Forrester research shows that successful organisations allocate nearly 25% of their B2B marketing budgets on events, noting that these in-person events are the second most effective marketing tactic. With all this money being earmarked, it makes sense for event organisers and marketers to join forces and work together to increase your ROE (Return on Events). This would help turn events into a profit centre as opposed to a cost centre. Here are a few quick tips on how to get started:

Personalise invitations to increase attendance

Treat your invites like targeted e-marketing campaigns and segment audiences by contact type and job role with a clear call-to-action that will resonate with them, getting more people to RSVP.

Increase your online visibility to create a goldmine

Employ a user-friendly event registration system to create both an easy online registration process and targeted event website. Any good event management technology will come with the necessary tools to help you easily increase the visibility and traffic to your event website by including SEO keywords — allowing you to track registration form submissions and bulking up your event’s bottom line by providing additional sponsorship opportunities.

Engage at every stage

Use social media, viral marketing (videos, pics, contests, teaser campaigns) and promotions to drum up interest before your event. Keep the content flowing and get attendees buzzing during your event with sponsored mobile apps, tweets, posts on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and blogs. When all is said and done, offer event recaps, highlights, infographics, photos and videos to your attendees. The goal is to extend the life of your event beyond just the event dates and get your attendees more invested in your organisation.

Be great and integrate

Events are a key piece of the marketing mix and therefore your event management system should integrate with your other sales and marketing tech stack and tools such as your CRM system, e-marketing solution and social media tools. Share data, automate processes, track registrations (and attritions), quickly build reports, measure ROI and save valuable planning time by combining event and marketing tools. By making your events more measurable, you increase profitability.

These are a few early tips of where to get started in combining planning and marketing efforts.

Event organisers and marketers should dive into these areas together in order to save time, increase productivity, deliver engaging experiences for attendees and generate amazing, profitable events.

Learn more about the Power of Live Events by downloading our new study.

Mansi Soni, Assistant Team Lead, Content Marketing, Cvent

Mansi Soni

Mansi is part of the content marketing team at Cvent. She has 7+ years of experience in developing content for the travel and hospitality industry and leads the content production team for the Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa regions. When not researching new topics for writing, she can be found making glass paintings, trying new ice cream flavours or playing family games.

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