June 14, 2018
By Mansi Soni

Event technology has been evolving ever since it entered the business. Over the time, it has also raised attendees’ expectations and fulfilling attendee expectations is an event organiser’s most important priority. But if you’re planning an event on a shoestring budget, delivering a rich attendee experience can be a bit challenging. To make things easier for you, we’ve compiled this list of five hot tech items that will impress your event attendees, without making hole in your pocket.

1. Interactive Displays

Printing directional signs is not only an expensive affair but it’s also cumbersome. Especially, when there are last-minute changes in the meeting rooms and you’ve to change all the printed signs. Or maybe your sponsor wants to make design changes in the logo. Even if these arrow signs are made of the cheapest materials, the expense can really add up. Moreover, it takes a lot of time and effort to print new material and update the changes.

You can avoid all this hassle by replacing printed directional with bright and beautiful display screens. Interactive display screens are not only aesthetical but easy to update and they save the cost of printing directional signs. A lot of meeting hotels and other venues offer embedded displays outside and across the meeting space. You can also monetise these interactive displayswith sponsorship opportunities.

2. Leverage Social Media at your Events

Drive attendee engagement and increase event awareness with your own attendees’ social media posts. SocialWall by Cvent allows you to aggregate, moderate and display content your attendees are posting to Instagram, Twitter and Flickr to increase social media engagement at your events. You can choose from seven full-screen display animations and customise the display colour, theme and background, and also apply filters to automatically moderate content or personally approve each post with the Curated Gallery.

Using SocialWall, you can make a superhit event by promoting it over social media channels, and at the same time stimulating onsite attendee engagement at your events.

3. Don’t Forget A Mobile Event App

A mobile event app can be customised to suit all sizes of events, and event budgets. An event app makes it easier for planners to strike engagement at events. In fact, it is an important link that connects event managers, attendees, sponsors and exhibitors with each other, and hence should not be neglected. You can easily upload the agenda, speaker information, venue maps and other promotional content for the app users to download and share. Your event app should allow you to add live audience polling and videos as well.

Mobile apps like CrowdCompass, make it easier for event organisers to measure the impact of their events. CrowdCompass mobile event app offers 30+ metrics to prove how successful your event was.

4. Wi-Fi Service

Wi-Fi is a necessity to keep the show running, and an important one because a bump in connectivity can create a havoc at your event. Most venues provide Wi-Fi connections and at the same time charge exorbitant rates for it. Moreover, you can never be sure of the kind of speed and range they offer.

You can opt for portable internet hotspots to ensure seamless connectivity across the venue. This will not only provide a powerful cellular antenna, but also save some money.

5. Charging Stations

While your attendees are engaged using your mobile event app, you need to make sure their devices don’t give up quite soon. Charging stations have become a must-have of event technology and can easily be rented. The charging stations are not just a great way to impress your attendees but can also be turned into a great sponsorship opportunity. Place your sponsor’s banner on the charging station and give your sponsor up-close visibility.

If you can think of any other cool event technology which doesn’t cost an arm and leg, let us know in the comments section below.

Mansi Soni, Assistant Team Lead, Content Marketing, Cvent

Mansi Soni

Mansi is part of the content marketing team at Cvent. She has 7+ years of experience in developing content for the travel and hospitality industry and leads the content production team for the Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa regions. When not researching new topics for writing, she can be found making glass paintings, trying new ice cream flavours or playing family games.

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