August 20, 2019
By Cvent Success Team

You’ve seen the emails. It’s all the buzz around town: Cvent CONNECT. Cvent CONNECT 2018 will be taking over Las Vegas, at The Venetian | The Palazzo, July 23-26, 2018. Maybe you went last year and are already registered. Maybe you’ve attended before, but haven't quite committed to coming this year. Or maybe, this is your very first time. Regardless of your experience, this exposé series will give you a behind-the-scenes look at some of the most exciting aspects of Cvent CONNECT 2018, along with some tips to get the most out of your experience. For the first time in Cvent CONNECT history, a full day of Training Camps will be hosted on Monday, July 23.  What are Training Camps? They might evoke images of combat boots or a loud trainer yelling for you to drop and give them 50. But have no fear, this Training Camp is something else entirely. Cvent CONNECT has been offering training sessions for several years now. Cvent experts train attendees on various topics such as how to create an event, how to effectively promote an event and customize emails, and more. But it’s hard to cram a thorough training into an hour. With so many other sessions going on, how do you pick the right sessions to attend? We've got the answer. Based on feedback from previous attendees, we’re offering a full day of training workshops. The training workshops are hands-on and highly interactive. If you’re attending “Event Creation,” then you’ll be doing just that– creating an event. If you’re attending “Setting Up Your Mobile Event App,” then you’ll be – you guessed it – setting up a mobile event app. And because you might be more experienced in one aspect of the platform than another, there’s nothing stopping you from taking an advanced workshop on Integrations and then attending a beginner workshop for OnArrival. The best part? Each workshop has a set capacity. There will be a high ratio of Cvent experts to attendees to ensure the best learning experience. Of course, this also means that there are a limited number of spots, and when they’re gone, they’re gone!

So what should you do?

Step 1

Peruse the workshops available online and think about which ones you’re most interested in.

Step 2

Not sure which workshops to select? You’re in luck. We have an assessment that will tell you what workshops we think you should take based on your experience and the features you currently license. Take the assessment.

Step 3

Watch our on-demand webinar  ‘What to Expect at Cvent CONNECT: Training Camp Experience’ to get the insider details.

Step 4

Register for CONNECT! Make sure to pick a package that includes the Monday Training Camp.

To Recap

The Cvent CONNECT Training Camp = an exclusive, high-end lifestyle. Okay, maybe not quite, but it is going to be an incredible opportunity to learn from the experts and walk away with hands-on product experience you can take back to the office. You'll be able to ask questions on the spot and walk away with confidence that when it comes to creating an event, an app, a better registration experience for your invitees or any number of other topics, you’ll have the tools and resources for the task. …and if you’ve already registered, we can’t wait to see you in July! Keep checking back for more information on Cvent CONNECT, best practices, tips & tricks, and so much more. This post was authored by Client Success Consultant, Kate Moon. Kate graduated from George Mason University in 2015 with a degree in Creative Writing. She loves writing and has several short fiction pieces she's working on getting published. Kate has a 3-year-old puppy named Toby who is better than an alarm clock at waking her up in the morning.  She's also working on getting certified as a Sommelier!

Cvent Success

Cvent Success Team

Cvent Success blogs are authored by (real) members of the Cvent Client Success team. We share best practices, insider tips & product updates to help you achieve "Cvent Success"!

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