August 20, 2019
By Kathy Dam

One of the hardest – and time-intensive – parts of throwing a successful event is putting together the right programming. After all, isn’t the event content what your attendees show up for? In large part, yes! But the list of steps required to create great content with inspiring speakers is usually long. You could put out a Call for Speakers, but then you'd have to collect submissions, manage the internal review and grading process, send responses, and organize the approved submissions into an actual event agenda. And it doesn’t even stop there. Next comes chasing down speakers to sign agreements and collect bios and headshots, and then make sure they’re putting together high-quality content. Even though this process has historically been painfully manual, event technology is making it so much more manageable and streamlined.


Enabling Educational and Inspirational Content

Event technology brings the whole process together so that you can request, collect, and evaluate speaker submissions all in one place. The right tool can even publish your selected sessions into your event agenda and provide tools to collaborate with your speakers. In the end, it makes finding the right speakers who can deliver great content easier.

The Upside for You

As an event organizer, the right solution can enable you to:

  • Create a customized form to collect speaker submissions.
  • Send automated emails for invitations, confirmations, reminders, and alerts.
  • Easily manage reviewers and track progress and scores.
  • Accept or reject submissions and notify speakers.
  • Enable speakers to upload their information, presentations, and other content.
  • Have all your historical data stored in a single place.
  • Publish accepted sessions into your event agenda.

 Attendees typically come to events for two main reasons: networking and content. Abstract management software can help make sure you’ve got the content covered, delivering the value that attendees expect. Learn more about how event technology can help you manage your events!

Kathy Dam

Kathy Dam

Kathy is a Team Lead for Sales Enablement at Cvent, working closely with our sales and marketing groups to help drive the company’s success. Her enthusiasm for writing started at a young age, following her through her time at the University of Virginia and in previous sales and marketing roles.

Outside of work, you can find her curled up on the couch with Netflix, on the hunt for her next dining experience, or jetting off to a new city.

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