A powerful venue sourcing network

Access 300K+ global venues in 18 languages

Filterable venue searches

Unlimited RFP usage

Venue response tracking

Rate tracking & insights

Reporting and analytics

Venue sourcing options for all types of planners

Get started for free to browse over 300K global venues in the Cvent Supplier Network. Search using AI, filter your results, send one RFP to multiple venues, and pull reports to manage venue data.

Need more customised and automated features for your event? Upgrade to the enterprise plan to streamline your entire sourcing process.

  • Access easy-to-use venue sourcing technology
  • Connect to over 300K global venues in 18 different languages
  • Filter results to find venues that align with your goals
  • Easily build unlimited RFPs based on your event needs
  • Send one RFP to multiple venues, manage bids and award business
  • Centralise and manage venue data with reports

Start sourcing for free

  • Streamline and automate sourcing for your events
  • Customise questions and RFP templates across your organisation
  • Store contacts and mark preferred venues to save time
  • Run reports, build budgets, and centralise data to track  spend
  • Leverage historical spend to get the most competitive rates
  • Gain visibility and insight into your in-person event programme

Free and easy to use platform that automates the venue sourcing process

right venue

Find the right venue to meet your needs

Access the most complete information on venues to quickly narrow your search, in ONE place. See destination rates upfront to stay within budget. 

  • Explore over 300K global venue profiles
  • Use AI-search to find venues that meet your requirements
  • View rate history and predictions  
  • Filter results to narrow your search
  • See photorealistic venue floorplans 

Get the most from your RFPs

Eliminate the back and forth by building RFPs with details that mean the most to you so venues can respond with a customised proposal.   

  • Customise RFPs quickly with an AI-Powered agenda builder
  • Attach and send additional files easily  
  • Send one RFP to multiple venues 
  • Save and clone criteria for future use 
  • New: Communicate with suppliers more effectively by using CventAI to help craft your RFPs
Bid report

Track and manage venue responses on a centralised platform

Compare venue bids and narrow down results. Shortlist properties quickly.  

  • Compare bids side-by-side 

  • Communicate with venues on key details 

  • Share comparisons with stakeholders with easy reporting 

  • Award the perfect event venue 

Manage data and analyse history to save money

With comprehensive reporting and tracking capabilities, you will have the tools to understand your RFP history and stay on budget. 

  • Run easy reports to track spend 

  • Track RFP history and venue spend 

  • Save your preferred venues for future events 

  • Review and rate venues after the event 

Why upgrade your sourcing technology?

Increase efficiency

Reduce manual work like using search engines to find venues, building bid comparison reports, and tracking spend and rate history in spreadsheets

Improve visibility

Get better transparency into meeting and event spend across your organisation by having all RFP data stored together

Reduce meeting spend

Use historical data to negotiate better rates and build a budget to stay on track

Strengthen supplier relationships

Leverage existing hotel contacts and create preferred relationships with suppliers to get better rates in the future

Hear what our customers have to say


Proske increased their efficiency of meetings management and event organisation through a strategic integration with Cvent.


Pearson International is a leading supplier of services to educational institutions such as the New York State Dept. of Education, GreyCampus, and Quae Publishing. In addition to providing assessment and training programmes for organisations, Pearson owns several educational media brands including Addison-Wesley, Prentice Hall, and eCollege.

Wotton House | Cvent Event Diagramming

Featuring a columned lobby and plush furnishings, this stylish country house hotel is on a 13-acre countryside estate that's 9.4 miles from central Guildford. The sophisticated rooms are fitted in a modern style and bold colors. They all have free WiFi, flat-screen TVs, and tea and coffeemaking equipment

Robust and complete event management software

Cvent Diagramming and Seating

Diagram the perfect event

Vendor Marketplace

Find vendors for all events

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