September 26, 2024
By Cvent

A General Manager in the hotel industry is a big, busy, and essential role. They are the ones who run the entire operation, ensuring everything from operational efficiency to excellent guest experiences and profitability.
So, what does it take to become one? What skills are required, and more importantly, what is the role of a general manager? How much do they make? These are some of the questions we’ll try to answer in this blog. 

What is a General Manager in Hotels

A hotel General Manager is in charge of the hotel. They are the decision-makers who set the property’s direction and policies to achieve the business goals. They have many tasks, from daily operations to long-term planning.
In other words, the General Manager’s role in a hotel is to keep it running and directly impact its performance and success. They often report to the owners or management companies and are responsible for implementing changes that affect every aspect of the hotel’s daily operations, people, facilities, financials, and customer relationships. 

Tasks of a Hotel General Manager

Guest Satisfaction

One of the main tasks of a hotel General Manager is to ensure guests have a great experience. They work with department heads to make sure each department is guest-ready. This means setting service standards, dealing with guest complaints, and stepping in when needed to resolve issues.
General Managers must also oversee the entire guest journey from check-in to check-out and make sure every department contributes to a smooth experience. They do regular property walks to inspect the physical condition of guest rooms, public areas, and other facilities.
By being proactive with guest satisfaction, General Managers ensure every guest leaves the hotel with a positive experience, which is key to repeat business and word of mouth.

Hotel Profitability

Another important role of a General Manager is to manage the financial health of the property. While they oversee day-to-day operations, they need to balance great guest experiences with cost-effective operations. For that, they are responsible for financial reporting, pricing, and resource management to maximise profit margins. 
To manage profitability, they need to know the market trends, customer behaviour, and competitive positioning. They work with the revenue manager to implement dynamic pricing and room optimisation and also oversee marketing and promotional activity to drive demand and keep a steady flow of bookings all year round.

HR and Staff Development

A hotel is only as good as its people, and a General Manager is key to building and developing a great team. Staff retention is a big focus for them, especially since the hospitality industry is known to have a high turnover. They recruit, train, and develop staff across all departments, setting training programmes, performance standards, and a positive work environment that encourages employee satisfaction and teamwork.
By investing in staff development and career paths, General Managers can reduce attrition and improve morale and service. They also encourage a culture of continuous improvement and get staff to find new ways to improve guest experiences and operational efficiency.

Strategic Planning and Goal Setting

A General Manager sets the hotel’s direction and ensures all departments are working towards the same goals. They develop a clear vision, identifying key performance indicators, and setting measurable objectives that align with the hotel’s mission and values. The General Manager works with department heads to create a plan to achieve these goals, monitor progress, and adjust as needed.
Strategic planning is also about being ahead of the curve and anticipating what’s next. By staying abreast with the hospitality industry, General Managers have to find new opportunities for growth and innovation as well as new technology, markets, and services. Good strategic planning is key to long-term success and staying competitive in such a fast-paced industry.

Marketing and Demand Generation

While the marketing team executes the campaigns, the General Manager oversees the overall strategy and ensures the marketing activity is aligned with the hotel’s objectives. One of their responsibilities includes approving budgets, reviewing marketing plans, and monitoring the performance of campaigns to drive demand and attract guests.
They are involved in demand generation and work with the marketing team to identify target markets, develop promotional plans, and improve the hotel’s online presence. They also oversee guest loyalty programmes, partnerships, and collaborations to increase brand visibility and get new business.

Resource Management and Budget

Resource allocation is another big job of a hotel General Manager. They have to make sure all departments have what they need to operate effectively: staff, equipment, and budget, including financial management, payroll, expenses, and investment decisions to support growth and expansion.
In addition to financial management, General Managers have to look after the hotel building, such as maintenance and repairs, health and safety regulations, and sustainability initiatives to reduce the hotel’s footprint.

Crisis Management and Problem Solving

In the hospitality industry, unexpected things happen, and crises are inevitable. A hotel General Manager has to be good at crisis management, whether it’s guest complaints, staff issues, or operational disruptions. They are the first point of call for major problems that can’t be managed by department heads, and they have to do it quickly and efficiently to minimise the impact on the guest experience and the hotel’s reputation.
Good crisis management requires good decision-making, being able to stay calm under pressure, and a deep understanding of the entire hotel operation. General Managers must be prepared to step in and lead in any situation and ensure the hotel keeps running smoothly, even in the face of adversity.

Key Skills for a Hotel General Manager

If you aspire to be a General Manager in some reputed hotel chain, here are a few must-have skills and qualities to be successful. 

  1. Leadership: A good General Manager isn’t just a boss; they’re a leader who gets their team to perform and creates a positive and productive work environment.

  2. Communication: Communication skills are key. Whether it’s staff, department heads, or guests, clear communication keeps everything running smoothly.

  3. Financial awareness: Knowing the numbers is important. From budgeting to revenue management, financials are key to being profitable and growing.

  4. Thinking on your feet: In a fast-paced industry like hospitality, things can change in an instant. The best GMs can think fast, make smart decisions under pressure, and keep everything ticking.

  5. Customer-focused: Guests are at the heart of every hotel’s success. A guest-focused approach isn’t just about creating great experiences. It’s about building the hotel’s reputation and the bottom line.

  6. Flexibility: The hospitality landscape is constantly changing. A good GM knows how to adapt, whether embracing new technology, adjusting to market trends, or responding to new guest expectations.

  7. Forward Thinking: Good General Managers don’t just manage the here and now. They think big and anticipate situations even before they arise.

Hotel General Manager Salary and Job Outlook

The salary for a Hotel General Manager depends on the type of hotel, location, and experience. For example, General Managers in luxury or high-profile hotels in the city centre will be at the higher end of the salary range due to the complexity and demand of managing these hotels.
On average, a General Manager in the UK earns £40,160 per year or £20.59 per hour. Entry-level positions start at £35,000 per year; the most experienced managers can earn up to £65,000 annually.

How to Become a Hotel General Manager

Becoming a hotel general manager is challenging, but it is worth it. It usually involves years of experience in the industry, starting in entry-level positions and working your way up to front office manager, food and beverage manager, and director of sales. A degree in hospitality management, tourism management, or business administration can also be helpful; it gives you the foundation knowledge and skills for the role.
Networking, continuous learning, and professional development are also crucial for aspiring General Managers. Building a strong network in the industry, staying up to date with trends, and developing essential skills will increase your chances of getting to this top role.

In Conclusion

Being a General Manager in the hotel industry is dynamic, demanding, and assertive. From guest satisfaction to profitability, marketing to resource allocation, the General Manager is at the heart of a hotel’s success. By developing skills, gaining experience, and being adaptable, a General Manager can not only cope with the role but thrive and take the hotel to new levels.

Knowing the responsibilities and qualities required for this role is key for those looking to pursue a career in hotel management and for hoteliers looking to hire the right person to lead their property. The General Manager is the key to delivering memorable guest experiences, operational excellence, and long-term profitability in the competitive hospitality industry.




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