August 20, 2024
By Hope Salvatori

In the rapidly evolving landscape of business and marketing, successful lead generation stands out as a critical factor influencing an organisation's growth trajectory. Among the myriad strategies available, events have emerged as a powerful avenue for connecting with potential clients, fostering relationships and, most importantly, generating valuable leads.

In this comprehensive guide to event lead generation, we will delve into the nuances of leveraging events to maximise lead generation for your business. 

From the types of events that offer the most potential, to effective strategies for implementation, to how to maximise your lead-generation efforts, this article will equip you with the knowledge and insights needed to orchestrate successful lead-generating events.

The best types of events to host to generate more leads

Whether you're orchestrating a conference, networking event, or webinar, understanding the nuances of these lead generation-centric gatherings is essential for unlocking the full potential of your marketing efforts. 

Here, well explore the best types of lead-generating events to host, discuss why each is uniquely positioned to serve as a lead-generation powerhouse for your business and offer a few lead-generation event ideas along the way.


Conferences are elaborate affairs that bring together industry experts, thought leaders, and professionals under one roof. These large-scale events offer a unique opportunity to position your brand as an authority in your field. 

The diverse range of speakers and topics not only attracts a broad audience but also provides a fertile ground for lead generation at events.

Generating leads at conferences allows for a multi-faceted approach to lead generation. Alongside keynote presentations and panel discussions, consider hosting breakout sessions or roundtable discussions that cater to specific interests within your target audience. Attendees can self-select into sessions that align with their needs, ensuring a more engaged and receptive audience.

Networking events

Cvent CONNECT training camp

Networking events are designed to create a more casual and social setting for professionals to connect. Ranging from cocktail parties to speed networking sessions, these events provide a conducive environment for relationship-building and lead generation.

To optimise lead generation at networking events, focus on quality over quantity. Instead of trying to collect as many business cards as possible, aim to have meaningful conversations. Encourage your team to actively listen to attendees, understand their pain points, and articulate how your products or services can address their needs.

Consider incorporating icebreaker activities or themed discussions that align with your industry. These initiatives not only make the networking experience more enjoyable but also provide natural opportunities for conversations that help generate leads. 

Attendees are more likely to remember and engage with a brand that facilitated a positive and memorable networking experience.

Online training and workshops

In the digital age, online training and workshops have become increasingly popular for lead generation. Hosting webinars or virtual workshops offers the advantage of reaching a global audience while positioning your brand as an industry expert.

When planning virtual training events, focus on delivering content that is both valuable and actionable. Craft presentations that address common pain points within your industry and provide practical solutions. Encourage audience participation through live Q&A sessions, polls, and interactive elements to keep attendees engaged.

Event promotion is crucial for attracting participants – and leads. Leverage email marketing, social media, and partnerships with influencers or industry leaders to maximise reach. Additionally, consider offering downloadable resources, such as whitepapers or exclusive guides, to incentivise registration and capture valuable lead information.

Product launch events

Launching a new product is a significant milestone, and a dedicated product launch event can amplify its impact. Such events provide a platform to showcase your product's features, benefits, and unique selling points, attracting potential customers and generating leads.

For product launch events, meticulous planning is essential. Create a compelling narrative around your product, highlighting its value proposition and how it addresses specific pain points for your target audience. Consider incorporating live demonstrations or interactive experiences that allow attendees to engage with the product firsthand.

To maximise lead generation, implement pre-event teasers and announcements to build anticipation. Leverage social media and email marketing to create a buzz around your upcoming product launch. 

During the event, capture leads by offering exclusive access or discounts to attendees who express interest in the new product.

Trade shows

Event Lead Generation Booth Cvent CONNECT 2023

Trade shows are expansive gatherings where businesses from a specific industry come together to showcase their products and services. These events offer a unique opportunity to connect with both B2B and B2C audiences, making them a versatile channel for lead generation.

Successful lead-generation trade shows hinge on strategic planning and execution. Start by designing an eye-catching booth that reflects your brand identity and stands out in the crowded exhibition space. Incorporate interactive elements, such as product demonstrations or virtual reality experiences, to captivate attendees and encourage engagement.

Pre-event marketing tactics are crucial for attracting the right audience to your trade show booth. Leverage social media, email campaigns, and partnerships with event organisers to create awareness and generate interest. Consider offering exclusive incentives, such as limited-time promotions or giveaways, to entice attendees to visit your booth and provide their contact information.


Webinars have become a staple in the digital marketing toolbox, offering a cost-effective and scalable way to reach a global audience. These lead-generation virtual events allow you to present information, interact with attendees, and answer questions in real-time.

When planning webinars for lead generation, focus on delivering high-quality content that addresses the needs and interests of your target audience. Choose topics that align with your products or services and position your brand as a valuable resource within your industry. Consider inviting guest speakers or industry experts to enhance the credibility of your webinar.

The success of webinars relies on effective promotion and registration processes as well as the right webinar software. Create compelling landing pages that highlight the key takeaways of the webinar and emphasise the value attendees will gain. Leverage email marketing, social 

Lead generation strategies to implement for your next event

Now that we've explored the various types of events, let's delve into the strategies you can implement to optimise lead generation during your next event.

Define clear objectives

Before embarking on event planning, it's crucial to define clear objectives for lead generation. Understand what you want to achieve, whether it's collecting contact information, scheduling follow-up meetings, or closing direct sales. Having a well-defined goal will guide your planning and execution, ensuring that every aspect of the event aligns with your lead generation objectives.

For each type of event, tailor your objectives to match the format and audience. For example, a product launch event may prioritise capturing pre-orders or expressions of interest, while a conference may focus on establishing thought leadership and nurturing long-term relationships.

Leverage Technology

Incorporate technology to streamline lead generation at events. Event management platforms, mobile event apps, and lead capture tools can significantly improve the efficiency of collecting attendee information. 

Consider implementing features such as QR codes for easy badge scanning, digital surveys for instant feedback, and interactive touchpoints to engage attendees.

Invest in a user-friendly event app that provides attendees with schedules, speaker information, and networking opportunities. Through the app, participants can easily connect, schedule one-on-one meetings, and access exclusive event content. Leveraging technology not only simplifies data collection but also contributes to a seamless and memorable event experience.

Create compelling content

Content is the cornerstone of any successful event, and creating compelling content is essential for attracting and retaining attendees. Tailor your content to address the specific pain points and interests of your target audience. Develop presentations, workshops, or panel discussions that offer valuable insights, practical tips, and actionable takeaways.

Consider diversifying your content formats to cater to different learning preferences. In conferences, mix keynote presentations with interactive breakout sessions and panel discussions. For webinars, incorporate engaging visuals, live polls, and Q&A sessions to keep participants actively involved. The more valuable and engaging your content, the more likely attendees are to stay engaged and provide their contact information.

Implement strategic branding

Your brand's presence at an event is a visual representation of your identity and values. Strategic event branding not only creates a cohesive and memorable experience but also reinforces your company's image in the minds of attendees. Ensure consistency in branding across all event materials, from booth design to promotional materials and digital assets.

To extend your brand's reach beyond the event, leverage social media and event-specific hashtags. Encourage attendees to share their experiences, engage with your content, and connect with your brand online. This not only amplifies your brand presence during the event but also facilitates ongoing attendee engagement and lead-building after the event concludes.

Facilitate networking opportunities

Encourage your team to actively participate in networking activities. Having knowledgeable and approachable representatives at your booth or virtual booth enhances the attendee experience and increases the likelihood of lead generation at events. 

Additionally, consider hosting exclusive networking events for VIP attendees or those who express a specific interest in your products or services.

Offer incentives

Event Lead Generation Incentives Cvent CONNECT 2023

Incentives play a pivotal role in encouraging attendees to share their contact information and engage with your brand. Consider offering exclusive incentives that provide immediate value to participants. This could include limited-time discounts, access to premium content, or entry into a giveaway or contest.

Tailor your incentives to align with your event goals and the preferences of your target audience. For example, at a product launch event, offer exclusive pre-order discounts or access to a limited-edition version of the product. At a conference, provide attendees with a downloadable resource, such as an industry report or case study, in exchange for their contact information.

Create a sense of urgency by promoting time-sensitive incentives. Highlight the exclusivity of the offer and communicate the benefits attendees will gain by taking immediate action. By providing tangible and immediate value, you increase the likelihood of attendees willingly sharing their information and becoming qualified leads.

Implement follow-up strategies

The success of lead generation extends beyond the event itself; it hinges on effective follow-up strategies that nurture relationships and move leads through the conversion funnel. Develop a comprehensive follow-up plan that includes personalised communication, additional resources, and ongoing engagement.

Segment your leads based on their level of interest and engagement during the event. Prioritise high-value leads for immediate follow-up, sending personalised emails that reference their specific interactions or interests. For broader segments, create targeted email campaigns that provide additional value, such as whitepapers, case studies, or exclusive offers.

Utilise the data collected during the event, such as attendee preferences, interactions, and feedback, to tailor your follow-up approach. Leverage marketing automation tools to streamline the follow-up process and ensure timely communication. Integrate your event data with your customer relationship management (CRM) system to maintain a centralised and organised approach to lead management.

Making your lead generation efforts count

Hosting an event is not just about the logistics and the venue; it's about creating an experience that resonates with your audience and translates into valuable leads. A successful lead-generating event goes beyond the number of attendees – you must consider the quality of interactions, the engagement level, and the lasting impression your brand leaves. Here's how to ensure your event will bring results.

Relevance to your audience

The foundation of a successful lead-generating event is its relevance to your target audience. Understand the pain points, interests, and challenges your audience faces, and tailor your event to address these aspects. Whether it's a conference, webinar, or product launch, align the content and format with what your audience finds valuable and meaningful.

Consider conducting surveys or engaging in pre-event conversations to gauge your audience's preferences. This proactive approach ensures that your event resonates with attendees, making them more likely to engage and provide valuable information.

Engaging and educational content

Content is the heart of any event, and creating engaging and educational content is crucial for capturing and maintaining attendees' attention. Develop presentations, workshops, or panel discussions that not only showcase your expertise but also provide tangible takeaways for your audience.

Craft your content with a focus on solving real problems your audience faces. Share case studies, success stories, and practical tips that demonstrate your understanding of their challenges. An informed and engaged audience is more likely to view your brand as a valuable resource, increasing the likelihood of lead generation.

Thoughtful networking opportunities

Networking is a key component of lead generation, and providing thoughtful networking opportunities can significantly enhance the success of your event. Create spaces and activities that facilitate meaningful interactions among attendees, whether it's a dedicated networking session, a virtual lounge, or even gamified networking activities.

Utilise technology to match attendees based on shared interests or goals, fostering connections that go beyond surface-level conversations. Encourage your team to actively participate in networking activities, creating a welcoming atmosphere that encourages attendees to engage with your brand.

Seamless technology integration

Event Lead Generation App Cvent CONNECT 2023

In the digital age, technology plays a pivotal role in event success. From event registration to lead capture and follow-up, seamless technology integration streamlines the attendee experience and enhances your ability to generate leads.

Choose event management software that offers features like easy registration, badge scanning, and data analytics. Leverage mobile apps that provide attendees with schedules, speaker information, and networking tools. Utilise interactive technologies, such as virtual reality or augmented reality experiences, to create memorable moments that resonate with attendees and facilitate lead generation.

Strategic branding and visibility

Your brand's visibility and positioning at the event contribute significantly to lead generation. Ensure that your branding is consistent across all event materials, from booth design to promotional materials. Create a visually appealing and cohesive presence that stands out in the crowd.

Strategic branding goes beyond aesthetics – it involves communicating your brand's value proposition clearly and effectively. Craft a compelling narrative around your brand, ensuring that attendees understand what sets you apart. Use your branding to communicate trustworthiness, expertise, and the benefits your products or services offer.

Clear call-to-action (CTA)

Every successful lead-generating event includes a clear call-to-action (CTA) that guides attendees on the next steps. Whether it's scheduling a follow-up meeting, signing up for a trial, or making a purchase, your CTA should be well-defined and aligned with your event objectives.

Incorporate your CTA seamlessly into your event content and interactions. During presentations, encourage attendees to visit your booth or connect with your team for further discussions. Leverage technology to make it easy for attendees to take the desired action, whether it's scanning a QR code, filling out a form, or accessing exclusive content.

Comprehensive data capture strategy

The success of lead generation at events hinges on your ability to capture comprehensive and accurate data from attendees. Develop a robust data capture strategy that encompasses contact information, engagement levels, and specific areas of interest.

Utilise technology tools such as lead capture apps, interactive touchpoints, and surveys to collect attendee data seamlessly. Implement a system for categorizing leads based on their level of interest and engagement during the event. This segmented approach allows for personalised follow-up strategies that align with the unique needs of different groups of leads.

Post-event follow-up plan

An often overlooked but critical aspect of a lead generation powerhouse event is the post-event follow-up plan. The connections made during the event need to be nurtured and translated into tangible outcomes. Develop a comprehensive follow-up plan that includes personalised emails, additional resources, and ongoing engagement strategies.

Segment your leads based on their interactions and interests during the event. Prioritise high-value leads for immediate follow-up, ensuring that they receive tailored communications that build on the event experience. Leverage marketing automation tools to streamline the follow-up process and maintain consistent communication.

Measurable success metrics

To gauge the success of your lead-generating event, establish measurable success metrics aligned with your objectives. Whether it's the number of qualified leads, conversion rates, or post-event engagement, having clear metrics allows you to assess the impact of your event and make data-driven decisions for future endeavours.

Utilise data analytics tools to track attendee behaviour, engagement levels, and conversion rates. Evaluate the success of different elements of your event, from specific sessions to networking activities, and use the insights gained to refine your lead generation strategies for subsequent events.

Continuous improvement and adaptability

A lead-generating event is not a one-time effort; it's part of an ongoing strategy for business growth. Embrace a mindset of continuous improvement and adaptability by seeking feedback, analysing results, and staying attuned to industry trends.

Conduct post-event surveys to gather feedback from attendees and use this information to identify areas for improvement. Stay informed about emerging technologies, changes in consumer behaviour, and industry shifts that could impact your event strategy. By continuously evolving and adapting, you position your brand for sustained success in lead generation through events.

The bottom line

In the vast landscape of marketing, events remain a powerful and dynamic tool for lead generation. By strategically selecting the right type of event and implementing effective lead-generation strategies, businesses can connect with their target audience, showcase their expertise, and ultimately generate valuable leads.

Event lead generation is a continuous process that involves thoughtful planning, execution, and follow-up. As you integrate these strategies into your event planning endeavours, you'll find that the relationships built and leads generated not only contribute to short-term success but also lay the foundation for long-term growth and brand loyalty.

Hope Swedeen

Hope Salvatori

Hope is a Senior Content Marketing Associate who has been with Cvent for more than two years. She has 8 years of experience producing content for corporations, small businesses, associations, nonprofits, and universities. As a content professional, she has created content for a wide range of industries, including meetings and events, government and defense, education, health, and more.

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