July 19, 2024
By Mike Fletcher

Telling event planners and marketers about the wealth of innovative technology solutions offered by Cvent is one thing, but nothing beats demonstrating our tech’s capabilities. Seeing tools such as our Attendee Hub app, OnArrival, or Cvent Registration in action provides a deeper understanding of the limitless possibilities. 

That’s why we decided to host a morning workshop at a boutique London hotel, L’Oscar, to demonstrate our technology to prospects and customers interested in maximising our suite of products to create seamless and impactful meetings and events. 

Using the workshop as a ‘live’ case study meant we could show attendees how to use Cvent to source a venue and create a registration website, before demonstrating real-time elements such as check-in, engagement scoring, lead capture, and app functionality.

Venue sourcing and registration 

We opened the workshop by showing attendees how to filter their search criteria, using the Cvent Supplier Network (CSN) to source an example venue in Panama. We wanted to convey that you can use CSN to find venues anywhere in the world, saving time and effort when sending RFPs and comparing results. 

We then used Cvent Registration to manage attendee sign-ups and to send out reminder emails and nudges to download our event app. 

Again, we showed workshop attendees what we’d done, demonstrating how to create a registration website from the available templates. We walked them through all the backend features of the platform and showed them how different actions and design features appeared to users on the front end. 

Check-in and lead capture 

“When attendees arrived at L’Oscar, they received a notification via the app with instructions on where to go. Normally, we’d then use OnArrival to check people in, but we wanted to showcase how to use this technology as part of the workshop. So we ran check-in as an element of the event and showed how fast it was by challenging ourselves to check in 25 people within 10 minutes. We achieved it in seven minutes (or 17 seconds per person).”

 Charlotte Olivencia, Cvent Assistant Team Lead, Europe Marketing

After the OnArrival check-in competition, attendees were invited to grab breakfast and network with their peers. 

During the break, sales representatives demonstrated Cvent Lead Capture by showing how the technology connects to QR codes on attendee badges and how to add notes to individual profiles, which can be used for follow-up post-event. 

Naturally, Cvent sales reps took their own notes during these demonstrations, monitoring interest and engagement for future follow-up.

Engagement scoring 

After breakfast, we shifted the focus to engagement. We began by demonstrating what you can do with the Attendee Hub app. 

“We ran a Q&A and received 84 questions submitted through the app and in person. We then showed attendees how to upvote and monitor the most popular questions. In addition, we ran three polls and showcased how the back end of the app looks. In real-time, we showed them how to set up ‘cards’ which add different content elements, such as PDFs and rich media. Everyone was amazed at how fast the front end of the app updated with each new piece of content. It was a great demonstration of how to use the app and interact with an audience in the moment.”

 Charlotte Olivencia, Cvent Assistant Team Lead, Europe Marketing

Throughout the workshop, we’d been awarding engagement points for completing actions or undertaking tasks such as asking and upvoting questions, participating in polls, adding a photo to your attendee profile, or downloading content. Those qualified leads with the highest engagement scores would be prioritised for follow-up by the Cvent sales team post-event. 

It was then time to show everyone how the engagement scoring and gamification elements worked, via Engagement Scoring.

“Engagement insights are one of the main areas of interest for planners. Everyone loved how we demonstrated this throughout the workshop before showing them behind the scenes in the app, how to set up our Engagement Scoring tool, and what insights can be gleaned from running this format. We even rewarded the most engaged person during the workshop with a mini bottle of Champagne.”

Charlotte Olivencia, Cvent Assistant Team Lead, Europe Marketing

Evaluating success

Like any expert event planner, we carried out the following post-event steps:

  • We analysed the attendee engagement scores to determine what action would be taken next with each qualified lead to push them through the sales cycle. Actions could include a follow-up phone call from sales, invites to future workshops or targeted product emails. 
  • We analysed the OnArrival data to benchmark the number of attendees, assess any ‘no-shows’ and prove the venue’s appeal. 
  • Automated post-event emails were sent to thank attendees for coming or to say, ‘Sorry you couldn’t make it’. Attendees were asked to complete a survey and provide feedback on the workshop. 
  • Lead capture notes, engagement score analysis, survey results and feedback were forwarded to leadership and sales. 

Our workshop on ‘How to Use Technology to Create Seamless & Impactful Events’ was a shining example of a live case study of Cvent ‘in action’. Our attendees left inspired and armed with more ways to create seamless and more impactful meetings and events.  

For more insights on using Cvent technology to enhance your meetings and events programmes, download our Ultimate Guide to In-Person Events. 

Mike Fletcher

Mike Fletcher

Mike has been writing about the meetings and events industry for almost 20 years as a former editor at Haymarket Media Group, and then as a freelance writer and editor. He currently runs his own content agency, Slippy Media, catering for a wide-range of client requirements, including social strategy, long-form, event photography, event videography, reports, blogs and ghost-written material.

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