When executed well, webinars can be a fantastic marketing tool. Combining the benefits of direct interaction with your audience with the convenience of being able to do so in a rehearsed and scheduled manner from anywhere to a potentially global audience makes it a pretty unique channel.
But it’s certainly not one without potential pitfalls. As with any other marketing channel, a poor experience will leave audiences feeling let down and frustrated with your brand. The backbone of any webinar is the webinar technology used to produce and present the content, so it’s absolutely imperative that you pick the right webinar platform for you.
Virtual event and webinar software have come a long way in recent years, in line with increasing expectations and ever-accelerating developments in livestreaming technology. This is certainly a positive outcome for organizations that have fully embraced webinars and virtual events as profitable marketing channels within their broader marketing strategies and event programs.
How to Choose Webinar Technology
With all this in mind, let’s take a look at some of the key features and functionality you should consider when sourcing a webinar platform. Keep in mind that free webinar software is available, and it might be all you need depending on the size of your webinars, how often you host webinars, and other factors.
Video Conferencing
If your experience with webinars is a few years out of date, your expectations may also be a little old school.
There was a time—not that long ago—when webinar attendees wouldn’t actually see their hosts… at all. A webinar’s visuals would focus exclusively on a series of presentation slides, coupled with voice-over narration by the host(s). In today’s world of video calls, this seems almost unthinkable—certainly archaic.
But thankfully, times have changed. Having hosts appear on screen allows attendees to understand who they’re hearing from and connect on a more human level. With facial expressions and body language counting for so much in clear communication, having a video stream is a great way to bring some of this personality and engagement into your webinar and allow a deeper connection with your people and, by association, your brand.
What’s more, today, you can offer that option to your attendees as well, providing video feeds and again building that level of trust both ways. There may be limits to the number of people you can technically see at once, but to be able to interact in a face-to-face capacity while you’re sat on either side of the globe is a definite win for webinars.
One of the key areas in which webinar technology has recently developed is allowing organizers to customize and apply branding to their webinars. As we all know, building brand awareness and advocacy is often one of the key objectives—and is certainly one of the key benefits—of hosting events. Webinars are no different. Many webinars are based on delivering thought leadership to an audience, associating your brand with a positive and differentiating experience.
You could spend months planning your webinar’s content and developing a beautiful slide deck that perfectly demonstrates your insights and opinion… but when it comes to actually running the event, if you have no control over the wrapper in which the content will be shown to your audience, there’s every chance they’ll be distracted by how badly your brand colors clash with the webinar platform you’re using or confused as to why your invites look entirely different from any other communication they’d usually receive from you.
Thankfully, branding options are now a feature in leading webinar platforms. Having control over customization allows organizers to ensure every element is on brand, will support their content, and helps build those consistent connections between brand and audience even more.
Segments and Transitions
Keeping an audience engaged and actively listening throughout the duration of your webinar is vital in ensuring your message is really understood. One way that you can help achieve this is by breaking your content down into more manageable chunks. You can then switch up the delivery of each section, potentially using a different format of delivery (for example, from using slides to playing a video or to an open discussion) or changing presenters.
A good webinar platform will provide ways to effectively manage these sections and the transition from one to another. Being able to plan your segments in advance and then seamlessly transition from one to another allows the webinar to flow even in these moments of flux where otherwise you may be scrabbling to open additional programs or documents or having to ask other presenters to take over.
In addition to breaking your content down into manageable sections, consider breaking your audience down into smaller groups. Many webinar platforms now offer the option of virtual breakout rooms – separate “areas” where your attendees can be grouped for a separate discussion.
Whether this is based on a series of different messages that may be of varying degrees of interest depending on the attendee, or simply an opportunity to have an easier open discussion of the core webinar topic before coming back together again to share insights, break out rooms can provide a great change of pace and space to breathe and think. They also give your main presenters a chance for a mid-webinar break themselves, as you can assign different people to act as break-out room managers.
Getting Interactive to Boost Webinar Engagement
Webinars that offer the best two-way interaction between presenter and attendee will ultimately offer a greater experience.
With features like Q&A, polls, surveys, downloadable related content libraries, and more, there are many ways to engage your webinar attendees. And as with any marketing, if you can offer a choice, you’re more likely to get better results from a broader range of your audience as, for example, some will prefer to get directly involved then and there while others will prefer to download your content and get in touch at a time that suits them.
The right technology will enable you to provide a range of options that could make the difference between a relatively interesting webinar and one that becomes unforgettable for attendees.
Integration = Lead Generation and Increased ROI
This is where the best webinars really stand head and shoulders above the rest. Events offer a huge data opportunity for organizations. Webinars are no different. In fact, being online can potentially provide additional ways to improve both the chance to know more about your audience and to then deliver them content that will really resonate.
Choosing webinar technology that offers direct integration with your existing technology stack is the first step in harnessing the real power of webinar data. It will allow you to ensure your webinars are targeting the right people and to understand your attendees as much as possible in advance.
Being able to then leverage that integration fully by closing the loop and bringing the valuable insights that webinars allow you to build about your audience back into your core database makes things really interesting!
If you can capture general insights from your audience about your webinars, then you can use that to refine your approach to running webinars in the future. How long attendees stayed, their engagement level, feedback during or post-webinar, and other data points around in-webinar activity is a great way to hone your technique and have confidence that you’re delivering webinars in the right way.
But more than this, the insights that you’re able to capture about individual attendees present a hugely powerful opportunity. If you can effectively capture information about each attendee - their demographics, interests, likes/dislikes and so on - then you have a chance to really harness that and build tailored, customized campaigns and become highly targeted in your approach. It gives you the capability to become much, much smarter, not just in webinars but across all your marketing activity, and ultimately provides a brand experience that speaks to each individual in a way best suited to them.
The data opportunity is one of the key benefits of running events and webinars… you just need to have the right technology in place and the focus and drive to best utilize that data once you have it.
Give Your Webinar Strategy a Boost
There are plenty of options when it comes to webinar technology. Spending some time understanding the options available and how they could meet your current webinar needs is a good place to start. But also try to plan ahead and think big; if your first webinar vastly exceeds your objectives, perhaps you’ll have a chance to go even bigger and better next time around. And if that’s the case, you could need additional features that may seem surplus to requirement today.
Learn more about elevating your webinar game with this eBook!