Before you know it, Cvent CONNECT will be here! If you’re ready to maximize your experience and make the most out of your trip to Vegas, we’ve got you covered.
Learn all you need to know about Cvent CONNECT Training and Certification Options in our free webinar, March 15, 2017 at 2pm EST.
Our Cvent product training experts will guide you through the interactive and hands-on training opportunities available at Cvent CONNECT, taking place June 13-16, 2017 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Resort.
You’ll learn about the different topics we will be covering, and create a personalized agenda that is tailored perfectly for your professional interests, and user level—beginner, intermediate, or advanced. Ready to prove your mastery of Cvent? Use this webinar to understand the certification options available to you, and the advantage of getting certified at Cvent CONNECT!
Webinar: What to Expect at Cvent CONNECT
When: March 15, 2017 – 2 pm EST
Nari Courtney, Customer Marketing Team Lead, Cvent
Jessica Hall, Client Services Team Lead, Cvent
Clara Sackey, Training Program Lead, Cvent
Register for this free webinar today!
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