August 20, 2019
By Anderson Conte

Bloggers and big industry players should be a key part of your event marketing strategy. Reaching out to influential professionals in the event industry will broaden your event’s reach and spark social media activity. Well known guests give your event credibility and lead to extra promotion by word-of-mouth -- which is consumers’ most trusted form of marketing. Here are 5 tips to improve blogger community outreach for your next event:

1.  Identify those with a big megaphone

Use Twitter to identify industry leaders. Use #EventProfs and search which users have a massive following (Tip: Check how many of their tweets are retweeted and favorited). Sites like Klout, Alexa, and Technorati offer insight on which bloggers are getting the most engagement. A blogger with less traffic but engages with readers in the event industry is one to reach out to. When in doubt, do a quick Google search to find numerous influencers for your next event.

2.  Treat influencers like friends

Just like a good friend wouldn't’t contact you only when he or she needs something, neither should you within the #EventProfs industry. You want to build solid relationships with these individuals throughout the year. Promote their content over your social media platforms and comment to share your opinions. They’ll appreciate the feedback and be more willing to share your content when you need the reach.

3.  Make emails personal

Do not mass email bloggers or other influencers. Lead with a friendly subject line and make sure the email includes their name and a personalized message. Avoid HTML emails, as it comes across as spam. Communicate how and why you would like them to help. Show them how much you appreciate their brand and always offer how you can help in return.

4.  Treat them like VIPs

Do you have a press or VIP room at your event? If so, be sure to give influencers access. Treat them like press and provide speedy internet access, easy laptop plug-ins, refreshments, and a comfortable place to write content about your event. Also invite your speakers and executive leadership team to stop by so they can connect.

5.  Stay on the lookout

Keep on the lookout as industry leaders are always emerging. Make sure to network with them early in their career so your content can continuously reach their growing following. Remember, industry influencers are redefining the rules of engagement for marketing and PR, so they should always play a critical role in your event’s marketing strategy.

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