August 20, 2019
By Madison Howard
Your event is over. But it isn’t really. Attendees might not be onsite attending sessions and networking, but the event isn’t ever truly over. Post-event is a key time to gather information and make a final, lasting impression. So how do you personalize the last communication you have with your attendees and what data do you need to make sure you collect? It all comes down to a personalized email and post-event survey.

Make it About Memories

In your final emails and social posts, help attendees remember what an amazing time they had at your event. Compiling images that were shared on social or taken at the event in your emails is a great way to tap into nostalgia. Even better? A short video montage. Pull a few highlights from key speakers and really capture what it was like to be at the event.

But Also About Improvement

Now that you’ve tugged at their heartstrings, gather the information you need. The only way to improve your event is to gather real feedback. And we all know, feedback is more accurate when it's collected as close to the close of the event as possible. Weeks after, attendees aren’t going to remember what they loved (or didn’t love). As soon as you can, send out that post-event survey. Emphasize that this information will be reviewed and used to make the next event of yours they attend the best one yet.

Information You’ll Gather

At this point, it’s all about future personalization. Attendees will notice if you listen to their comments the next year. Especially if you changed up something that they didn’t enjoy. Use this time to gather that information and pull together what attendees loved and didn’t love so that you can improve in the future. Most of this information will come from a post-event survey, but you can also gather a lot of information from the attendee tracking and session tracking data you gathered onsite.

Where Does that Info Come From?

When reviewing the effectiveness of your event, you’ll look at a few sources.
  • Data and Analytics
  • Mobile Event Apps
  • Lead Tracking
  • Social Media
  • Session Tracking
  • Survey Results


Event management technology is changing the game in terms of personalization and improvement. The tools used onsite provide incredible insights after the event that you can use to adapt. With more data than ever, personalization is even easier. Listen to what your attendees are telling you, and what their data is showing you, to create an even better event in the future.

Want to know more about how to get more attendees to participate in surveys? Read 34 Ways to Increase Customer Survey Response Rates.

Madison Layman

Madison Howard

A graduate of the College of William and Mary, my passion for writing began before I could read, with a nightly verbal diary dictation transcribed by my obliging parents.

When I'm not writing, you can find me binge-watching TV shows, baking elaborate desserts, and memorizing pop culture facts.

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