August 20, 2019
By Hannah Huston
Every day, technology is changing and evolving. So are our perceptions about technology. For example, we used to believe that if we implemented new event technology attendees would use it – an “if you build it they will come” mentality. We now realize that this, unfortunately, isn’t the case. In fact, building out the app is the easy part. Getting your attendees to download and engage with your app is where the work comes in. Not to worry! Getting your attendees engaged with your mobile event app doesn’t have to be hard. That is, it doesn't have to be hard if you have the right resources. We know life in the events industry is busy and oftentimes stressful, which is why we want to do our part to help you minimize your stress. To do so, we cooked up a delicious three-course meal for you full of useful resources. Each course has been carefully selected to fill you up and satisfy your craving for higher attendee engagement.  

Bread Basket – Attendee Engagement Gifographic

Looking for something to satiate your engagement hunger just enough, but not completely fill you up? Look no further than our Attendee Engagement Gifographic.  Easily digestible, this gifographic is full of tips and tricks to sharpen your engagement game. There are so many factors that go into a successful event and the entire process can get overwhelming. Fortunately, attendee engagement doesn't have to be one of those stresses. Scoring high in the engagement category doesn't have to be hard, and is one of the best ways to accomplish your event goals. This gifographic provides you with quick tips you can implement onsite, as well as pre- and post-event. It may not take long to consume, but this gifographic is loaded with engagement protein to fill you up and satisfy your craving for higher attendee engagement at your next event.  

Salad  –  Level Up Attendee Engagement eBook

As delicious as that gifographic is, you look like you’re still hungry for more ways to increase attendee engagement. If that's the case, check out our ebook, Level Up Your Attendee Engagement. It's a perfect follow-up to the bread basket, as it expands on many of the tips and ideas provided in the gifographic. The ebook is extremely useful and really hits home many of the ideas touched upon in the gifographic. Not only is this ebook chocked full of useful information, it also helps lay out your plan of attack. Discover pre-event, onsite, and post-event ways to drive engagement, all in this fun and easily-digestible ebook.  

Entrée – Mobile Event App Benchmark Report

The bread basket and salad were delicious, but you look like someone who is really hungry to dive right in and consume all you can about engagement. For your dining pleasure, we have a delicious entrée for you, our recently released Mobile Event App Benchmark Report. Seasoned with the latest industry trends and statistics, this report is sure to satisfy. Not only is this report interesting, it's extremely useful. Using data gathered from 2,000+ events during 2017, the report highlights easy ways event planners were able to increase their engagement. By adding more content and using an engagement feature here and there, planners were able to increase their engagement metrics above the industry average.  If you want to really dive into the nitty-gritty of how you can increase your attendee engagement, this benchmarking report is sure to satisfy your cravings!
The Definitive Guide to Event Types
The Definitive Guide to Event Types
Harness the power of event types
Identify the event types you need to achieve your goals and drive ROI

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