August 20, 2019
By Hannah Huston
Did you know that, according to Forrester, 24% of a company’s marketing budget goes towards putting on events? With that much money being spent on events, it’s important that you’re able to prove their financial return. Knowing you need to prove the ROI of an event, and actually proving it, are two very different things though. It can be hard to know where to start, what to do, or what metrics to look at to measure and improve your ROI. Whether you have five minutes or an hour, we’ve prepared a full course meal of resources to explain how to prove the ROI of your mobile event app.

Bread Basket: Interactive Infographic

Although ROI typically relates to dollars and cents, the true return on investment goes much deeper. We’re not saying the monetary return isn’t important, but there are many other factors you should consider as well. For example, facilitating conversations and engagement at your event may not be directly tied to a monetary measure, but it’s probably a goal of yours. In this fun, interactive infographic, we help you to understand the importance of the non-monetary impacts of a mobile event app. Check it out if you only have a few minutes but still want to find out more about ROI.

Salad: Case Studies

Is a snack not satisfying your hunger to learn more about the ROI of a mobile event app? No problem! A few of our customers were so pleased with the impact of their mobile event app that they decided to share their stories. While each of their decisions to go mobile was unique, their experiences end up being very similar. In fact, the majority of our customers find the in-app sponsorships so popular that the app ends up paying for itself and more! Our customers are able to sell a plethora of in-app sponsorship packages, helping to increase revenues significantly. Additionally, a mobile event app provides huge cost savings on printing. In fact, many of our customers have been able to reduce printing costs or eliminate them entirely with mobile. Doing so also provides the added benefit of the event being environmentally friendly due to the shift away from printed materials. Interested? Hear how Calix saved $18K by going mobile, how Tenet increased sponsorship by 20% while reducing no-shows to <2%, and how BeachBody saved $38K per event!

Entree: Webinar

Are you starving to discover how you can see the best possible ROI at your events? Check out our webinar, 7 Ways to Increase Attendee Engagement and Event ROI with a Mobile App to have your fill of ROI insights. From cost savings and efficiencies to time savings and engagement, you’ll discover the many different factors of ROI and what tactics you can implement to increase your returns. ROI isn’t just about proving the success of the event to your CEO (though that is important!). ROI is also a very important measurement for your sponsors, who want to see value from your event. This webinar will dive deep into ROI, and how a mobile event app can help increase it. Hopefully, these assets helped you expand your ROI knowledge and will help you increase the ROI of your future events.
How Accessible is Your Event to Attendees with Disabilities?
How Accessible is Your Event to Attendees with Disabilities?
How accessible is your event?
Answer 12 questions & then calculate your score to determine your rating

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