August 20, 2019
By Caroline Howard
People think about giving back all the time but stray away from actually doing anything. This could be due to an overwhelming amount of options, a lack of time, or feeling is if you don't have enough to give back. In reality, giving back is easy! As a company, Cvent tries to give back whenever and wherever we can. That means getting creative. During my time at Cvent, I have managed two office-wide clothing drives at our headquarters. I worked with a local organization that came by and picked up our items. The whole process was a breeze and it was a great way to give back to our community. If you want to get your company involved in giving back but don't know where to start, then this blog is for you.

First, bring the idea up.

Mention the positives of giving back to your boss and co-workers.
  • Giving back builds up your reputation as a business. People respect companies that make the effort and get involved in their community.
  • You would be making a difference. By helping others, you could potentially change lives.
  • On top of doing good, you'll connect with your team/company on a deeper level. Thus strengthening your relationship and dynamic.

Next, shoot some ideas.

Is there a specific organization you have in mind? For instance, my older sister has special needs, so I always try to tie in a way to work with Special Olympics. If there's something personal to you, bring it up!

Good Ideas

Make something. Sandwiches for the homeless, care packages for soldiers, or disaster relief packages. Hold a clothing or food drive. These drives are convenient for the office. You can ask people to bring in cans or old clothes that they don't need anymore. Do a run together that raises awareness or money. Some ideas: Wounded Warriors, domestic violence awareness, and breast cancer benefits. Hold or attend a blood drive. You can schedule a blood drive truck to come to your office parking lot with Red Cross. Volunteer at local charities. Branches of Special Olympics, animal shelters, homeless shelters, soup kitchens, the list goes on!

After you've talked to your team and put your ideas out there, it's time to make a plan.

Take the initiative and reach out to the organization you chose. Whether you're raising money, packing peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, or setting up a time to meet with your local animal shelter - go for it!

Caroline Howard

Northern Virginia native turned southerner at The University of South Carolina. My skills include planning 4,000 attendee corporate events and then blogging about them.

My friends always ask where I am, because when I'm not behind my laptop writing, I'm off exploring new places like Cuba and Spain.

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