August 20, 2019
By Madison Howard
As you begin to plan your event website, it’s important not to miss an important step. Creating a wireframe. Just as you wouldn’t sit down and write a book without creating an outline or you wouldn’t start a painting a sign without a rough sketch of what it will look like, you shouldn’t begin to build your website without a wireframe.

What is a wireframe?

A wireframe is essentially an outline for our website. Its purpose is to determine content placement and hierarchy. There are a few reasons to create a wireframe. First, it allows you to figure out what information you’ll include on your website. Second, it helps you to visualize what your website will look like. Finally, it gives you an opportunity to change layout and text easily before the website is built. Without a wireframe, time is sunk into designing a website and deciding that you don’t like the layout once it’s built will increase the cost and time it will take to be completed.

What do you need to know when building wireframe?

You should understand your event theme and have the basic information at this point. Is your event simple and you’ll only need a one-page registration site? Is it complex and will involve multiple pages? Your website is the primary marketing tool to turn interested individuals into attendees. That doesn’t mean you want to overload them with information. Your website should contain the important things (date, time, location), as well as compelling arguments for them to attend.

How do you start?

You can create a wireframe with pen and paper or on the computer, it’s up to you. First, Brainstorm all of the elements you think you’ll need. With that list, you can begin plotting out potential layouts. Now, if you’re new to website design take time to look for examples of websites you like. If you’re using Flex to build your website, check out our Visual Showcase. It’s a site dedicated to great websites that were designed using Flex.wireframe and phone

What to Include

  • Logo
  • Navigation Panel
  • CTA
  • Photos
  • Text blocks
  • Page location of information
  • Contact information
  • Number of pages
  • Location of elements
  • Types of elements

Save Time and Money with a Comprehensive Wireframe

It might seem like building a wireframe will add to your workload. In reality, it shortens the time it takes to get to a completed website. In most cases, you are building a website that others will need to approve. The wireframe can serve as the draft of the website to send to stakeholders for approval. Then, once approved, the website can be built. For great examples, search the web.

For website inspirations, take a look at our Visual Showcase. 

Madison Layman

Madison Howard

A graduate of the College of William and Mary, my passion for writing began before I could read, with a nightly verbal diary dictation transcribed by my obliging parents.

When I'm not writing, you can find me binge-watching TV shows, baking elaborate desserts, and memorizing pop culture facts.

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