August 20, 2019
By Anderson Conte
After an exciting day Tuesday, we officially kicked off our Event Professionals conference by welcoming Chuck Ghoorah, Co-Founder & President of Worldwide Sales and Marketing, to the stage. He greeted the crowd before bringing Cvent's Product Management team up to announce their plans for the future of the Cvent solution. The need to defend the value of meeting and events continues – especially to C-level executives. Since executives focus on increasing revenue and decrease costs, we need to speak this language in order to communicate effectively. Event professionals can do this through event technology. Cvent’s Event Management Platform helps you have these productive conversations by talking in terms that resonate with executives. David Quattrone, Chief Technology Officer, went deeper into what’s in store for Cvent’s Event Management Platform and what’s new for planners. He illustrated the Hierarchy of Needs for an event program. From bottom to top: Execution, Engagement, and Insights.


David welcomed Brett Fitzgerald, Director of Product Management, to speak about the event foundation: Execution. Events come in all shapes and sizes. This was a driving factor for the release of Cvent Express -- planners wanted a simplified Event Management Platform. David announced the reimaging of the Cvent Supplier Network (CSN) search experience by introducing a quick view and social integration. Other product updates include enhancing the sourcing workflow by introducing The Client Portal, which creates a better way to share results with decision makers, and Abstract Management, which provides planners an easier way to curate and collect content.


Jeannie Griffin, Senior Director of Product Management, continued by discussing the importance of attendee engagement. We are a generation of instant gratification. This drove Cvent’s development of gamification, which will be available Q3 this year. Other new features include Cvent Appointments and an Exhibitor Resource Center.


To round out the event Hierarchy of Needs, McNeel Keenan, Director of Product Management of Onsite Solutions, was brought onto the stage to speak about insights. Since the welcoming AllianceTech to the Cvent family, we have enhanced the ability to manage attendees during events through RFID tracking. Cvent is also introducing the next generation of attendee feedback with Enhanced Reporting. Lastly, McNeel announced the continued investment in marketing automation tools and their integration into the Cvent Event Platform. Event professionals are able to learn more about the exciting new products Cvent has to offer in Cvent CONNECT’s Innovation Pavilion.
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