September 21, 2020
By Cvent Guest

We’ve gathered the recent Cvent Conference product updates below into a brief summary to make it easy for you to see what’s new that launched last month.

Recently Released

Virtual meeting rooms are now available

Event planners can now create virtual rooms that are capable of hosting a several 1:1 meetings, simultaneously.

  • When to use:  When you need to schedule simultaneous meetings that will be taking place in the same area, whether at the conference venue, the Starbucks down the street, or if attendees are meeting virtually, online. No longer need to configure dozens of meeting rooms to support simultaneous meetings in the same space at the same time, virtual or otherwise!
  • Who would use:  Planners and meeting coordinators


Improved controls over session file availability

To better support the virtual event space, Conference is now offering improved and more granular controls over which session files are available to attendees in Connect.

  • When to use:  Don’t want to allow Attendees who can see a session in the catalog but aren’t enrolled in it, to have access to the downloadable session materials? Session files can now be selectively presented to attendees based on whether they’re enrolled in the session, had attended it, or Planner can grant the whole attendee population access to material.
  • Who would use:  Content and Session Managers


Customizable time zones for sessions

When attendees are browsing sessions in the catalog, Connect will now support the ability to show those session times in the attendees preferred time zone or in the event’s onsite time zone.

  • When to use:  This feature is most valuable for virtual sessions or sessions that will have a virtual component. It allows event attendees to see when that session will take place, based on the current geo-location, when they’re browsing and enrolling in sessions.
  • Who would use:  Session Participants, Attendees, Meeting Participants, Meeting Hosts while in Connect


Improved session file review process

The session file review process has been improved to offer more dynamic workflow control and communication options to keep session file reviewers and session participants in sync throughout the review phase.

  • When to use:  Leverage this feature when a session’s presentation files require review from stakeholder groups to ensure all relevant parties have an opportunity to vet the content to be presented. Planners will have the flexibility to require that all members from a review committee approve a file, before it can be presented at the conference, or empower a single individual to review the file as a representative of the group. File reviews can have a hierarchical structure or multiple groups can review the content, simultaneously, to streamline the review process.
  • Who would use:  Files reviewers and session participants

What’s upcoming?

Here are a few items we're working on that will be launching soon.

  • Additional attendee journey tracking and lead scoring options in Connect
  • A new option for running session file reviews in parallel, instead of in sequence.
  • New session survey report in the Speaker Resource Center and a new option to make person tasks available in the Speaker Resource Center throughout the content management workflow.

For questions or more details, please contact Michael Sorensen, Principle Product Manager, or Joe Meehan, Client Delivery Director,



This post was authored Michael Sorensen, Principle Product Manager for Cvent Conference. When he isn’t at work you can find him reading, playing guitar, or watching movies.

Cvent Guest

Cvent is a market-leading meetings, events, and hospitality technology provider with more than 4,000 employees, ~21,000 customers, and 200,000 users worldwide.

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