October 11, 2019
By Cvent

We’ve gathered the recent Cvent Conference product updates below into a brief summary to make it easy for you to learn about what’s new over the past month.

Recently Released

Enhanced Session Approval Task

Within session approval tasks, planners can now display votes and comments to session approvers. This information helps a track owner make informed decisions when choosing sessions.

  • When to use:  Before this release, voting comments and scores were not visible within the task. Now, if you’re a planner and need to decide “do I approve this Session?” – you now have ALL the information at your fingertips within the session. No need to run a separate report; everything you need is in one place.
  • Who would use this:  Session Approvers, Content Managers
enhanced session approval


Easily View and Manage Session Tasks

Planners can now easily review and manage their sessions tasks from the Session Task Review page or from the Session Task Report. In addition, planners can add the participants associated to the session tasks to a worklist so they can make additional changes or send them email as needed.

  • When to use: When a planner wants an overview of the various task statuses. From this screen, you can export a list or create a worklist to then send an email or make edits to the sessions. You can even make BULK edits to sessions. This is accessed via ADMIN, but there is a report available in the New Reports to view, too.
  • Who would use this: Planners, Taskmasters, Content Managers
edit and manage text


New Session Track Summary Task

Event Content Managers can now configure a "Session Track Summary" task that will help their Session Participants monitor sessions within their tracks by building out and displaying dynamic reports from any session profile value.

  • When to use this:  When track owners want an overview or dashboard of their tracks, to see if the sessions are moving through the process (i.e., approved, declined) correctly. Track owners can also see if their sessions have met their quota.
  • Who would use this: Session Track Owners
session track summary


Mobile Connect Updates – Include More in Catalog Details 

Many planners add additional information for their attendees using custom fields. This new feature will allow planners to display these custom fields on session detail, exhibitor detail, and speaker detail cards for attendees to see while they're researching an event and building their schedule.

  • When to use: If you want to provide more details about sessions, speakers, or exhibitors for your attendees to view in Mobile Connect. These extra details give attendees the info they need to decide whether or not to attend a session.
  • Who would use this:  Content Managers would build this; Attendees will view this information.
mobile connect updates Oct


Improved Nomination Experience

Approvers can now see the full details of each nominee on the Nomination Approval page with greater ease.

improved nomination


What’s upcoming?

Here are a few items our development team is working on that will be launching soon.

  • Mobile Connect Update – The new Custom Experiences view will allow planners to provide specific sessions, exhibitors, and activities to a demographic group. From the experience, attendees will be able to view details, enroll in sessions, etc..
  • Mobile Connect Update – Mobile Connect will be able to support SAML SSO integration. If an attendee is using their mobile phone to access Connect and CAP is published, they'll be able to log in on the client-side so they're able to use Mobile Connect.
  • Enhanced Session Enrollment API The Conference Event, Waitlist, and Participant sessions will be supported in the Session Enrollment API so planners can more easily enroll attendees to sessions.
  • Better management for package cancelations We'll be making enhancements to invoices to better support cancelation fees processing. This will help planners making reconciliations for their event transactions.

For questions or more details, please contact Jackie Ramos, Senior Product Manager, Jackie.ramos@cvent.com or Joe Meehan, Client Delivery Director, jmeehan@cvent.com.



This post was authored by Pamela Garcia, Product Manager at Cvent. Pam is a transplant to Dallas, and in her spare time she enjoys reading, hanging out with her friends, and playing with her dog Percy.



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