May 18, 2020
By Cvent

Our product team remains focused on improving our Cvent Conference product so that when in-person events return that our product will be better than ever. We’ve gathered the product updates from the past two months below into a brief summary to make it easy for you to see what’s new.

Recently Released

Email address validation

When an attendee creates their account in Conference, we can verify their email address by sending them a code to enter before they continue.

  • When to use:  To ensure that all attendees can be contacted via email. Prevents fake or spam accounts and improves overall attendee data security. Particularly helpful in the account creation workflows for Call for Papers, Apply-to-Exhibit, and many registration flows.
  • Who would use:  Can be used in any event, including virtual or free events.
email validation screen

Text field standardization

Text inputs such as email and job title can be important triggers for business rules. With this feature, the planer can define matching rules for text fields, and use those rules to make sure attendees have the correct experiences at their event.

  • When to use:  When you need to cleanly report on text fields, like Job Title, or when you want everyone from a certain company to be flagged as a “Partner” for the event, even if that company uses several different email domains. This feature can also be used to ensure that only users identified by specific email addresses are able to create accounts or complete certain workflows.
  • Who would use:  Can be used by any event that is trying to improve reporting on text field data or trying to drive business rules for their event on text field data.
conference text field standardization screen

Session Group Scheduling

Planners can now create groups of sessions and schedule the entire group at once in the Schedule Grid View, instead of scheduling each individually.

  • When to use:  This feature is most effective for “symposium” style sessions, where each presenter is given a few minutes to speak on a specific paper or topic, and then the next presenter immediately follows. This allows each presentation to be submitted and prepared in the Conference Content Management tools -- make organizing and scheduling these sessions much easier on the planner.
  • Who would use: Ideal for scientific and medical events frequently presenting these types of sessions. This feature can also be used for grouping of sessions that are tied closely together or repeated frequently throughout the event.
conference session group scheduling screen

Nomination Improvements

The user interface for Nominators and Approvers in the Nomination module has been refreshed and makes more nominee data visible. In addition, the approval workflow is easier to complete, with less risk of mistakes. Also, we have automated the workflow for approved nominees who cancel, so that they will automatically be moved to a “declined” nomination status.

  • When to use:  The nomination tool provides easy-to-manage workflows for all kinds of invitation lists – requests to attend the event, event discounts, invitation only sessions and programs, or even award nominations can all be supported.
  • Who would use:  Available to all Nominators and Approvers using the nomination tool
conference nomination improvement 1b
  • conference nomination improvement 2b

What’s upcoming?

Here are a few items our development team is working on that will be launching soon.

  • More Nomination Improvements – Planners will have the option to allow Approvers to edit nominee profile data in the Nomination module. Approvers will also have the option to re-send automated approval emails. We are also working on additional refinements to the Allocation Report in the Nomination tool.
  • Connect v2 Features – One-to-one meetings support is coming to Connect v2, as well as a new desktop view.

For questions or more details, please contact Michael Sorensen, Principle Product Manager,  or Joe Meehan, Client Delivery Director,



This post was authored Michael Sorensen, Principle Product Manager at Cvent. Michael spends his non-work time with books, movies, and learning to play guitar.





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