March 22, 2021
By Cvent Guest

We’ve gathered the recent Cvent Conference product updates below into a brief summary to make it easy for you to see what’s new that launched last month.

Recent Releases

Event Intelligence & Insights

Cvent has partnered with DOMO to offer an elite business intelligence reporting solution for Conference Event Planner. Build reporting dashboards for the event planning team, automate alerts on critical KPIs, schedule data to be delivered to key stakeholders on set intervals or ad hoc, provide event program and year-over-year variance reporting, and a mobile application to access the breadth of features from your phone or tablet.

  • When to use:  Business Intelligence is a cornerstone of any successful organization or project. Empower your planning team with an easy-to-use tool that allows them to meticulously track and report on KPIs to ensure event objectives are being met and stakeholders are always kept in the loop.
  • Who would use:  Event Planners, Content Managers, Revenue Managers, Sponsorship Managers, Marketing Managers, and Executive Stakeholders.
event intelligence & insights screen


Attendee Resource Center – Session Waitlists

Attendees will be able to easily see which sessions are full, but offer a waitlist, so that they can reserve their spot in line. As an added, optional benefit, choose to have waitlisted attendees automatically enrolled if a space opens up in the session and trust us to handle all the necessary communications and enrollment updates.

  • When to use:  Use Session Waitlist on popular sessions when you know enrollment demand will be high from your Attendees. Allow attendees to hold their place in line, so that they be automatically informed if a spot becomes available.
  • Who would use:  Content Managers, Session Track Owners, Event Marketers, Group Registration Managers, Program Managers.
Attendee Resource Center Session Waitlists


Attendee Resource Center – 1:1 Meetings

Attendees and Sponsors now both have all the tooling needed to schedule meetings with features to ensure double-booking is always prevented, when desired.

  • When to use:  1:1 Meetings is a critical tool for offering an elite Attendee Engagement experience for your event. Connect your Attendees to other Attendees or to Sponsors and Content presenters. Put the tool in the hands of your Attendees and Sponsors to ensure provide a seamless scheduling experience that ensures your business rules for scheduling are enforced and Attendees don’t get double-booked for meetings or sessions.
  • Who would use:  Registration Managers, Marketing Managers, Sponsor and Exhibitor Managers, Content Managers.
ARC one on one meetings


Exhibitor Resource Center – Credit Card Transaction Fees

The Conference Exhibitor Resource Center now offers Exhibitor/Sponsor Managers the ability to Charge Credit Card Transaction fees to Exhibitors/Sponsors directly to the Exhibitors Credit Card used for purchase. The Exhibitor payment experience has been updated to ensure Exhibitors are well-informed of the additional charge and invoicing is properly managed.

  • When to use:  Sponsorship packages aren’t cheap, and neither are the transaction fees associated with them. Planners now have the option to Apply Credit Card Transaction Fees to the Exhibitor’s payment card.
  • Who would use:  Sponsor Managers, Marketing Managers, Revenue Manager
Exhibitor Resource Center CC Transaction Fees



For more information on any of these new releases or to learn more about the features we’re working on you can reach out to Nick Hancock, Product Manager at for product demonstrations or roadmap details or contact Joe Meehan, Client Delivery Director at for all other questions.

In case you missed the Conference launch details from the past few months:

·         February 2021

·         January 2021

·         December 2020



This post was authored by Nick Hancock, Product Manager for Cvent Conference. When he isn’t at work you can find him riding trails on his mountain bike, golfing, or thinking about how to make event planners’ lives easier. 

Cvent Guest

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