June 22, 2021
By Cvent Guest

We’ve gathered the recent Cvent Conference product updates below into a brief summary to make it easy for you to see what’s new that launched last month.

Recent Releases

Conference Insights

An all-new reporting system to meet the modern demands of the most complex events and conferences on the planet.

  • When to use:  Conference Insights is here to help you step up your event management and execution to the next level. Integrate your event technology vendor data into a single platform for holistic insights into your attendee’s experience. Meticulously manage your Session Catalog and juxtapose survey responses to ensure you’re providing the right type and volume of content. Demonstrate sponsor ROI  through sophisticated lead analysis.
  • Who would use:  Literally everyone!
Conference Insights v1
Conference Insights v2
conference insights v3
Conference Insights v4

Attendee Hub Integration

Design, prepare, execute, and analyze your in-person, virtual, and hybrid events all on the Cvent platform. Now combine the power and flexibility of Cvent Conference with the industry’s leading virtual event experience.

  • When to use:  When you need to create an elite experience for your diverse and complex attendee types in a virtual or hybrid event. Manage all types of sessions: in-person, virtual on-demand, simultaneous engagement sessions, etc. -- the Cvent platform can handle it all. Create a forum for your virtual attendees to engage remotely with sponsors to drive ROI.
  • Who would use: Marketing Operations, Event Management, Speakers, Sponsors, Attendees
Conference Attendee Hub integration


What’s Upcoming?

And a sneak peek of few enhancements that are in the works for later this year: 

  • Session Resource Center – The next generation of content management is in the works. Enhanced and separate experiences for you Content Managers and Speakers
  • Unified Login and My Portal  The one-stop-shop for all of your event’s attendees. SSO or Email Login followed up by an all-new Portal for you Speakers, Sponsors, and Attendees.

For more information on any of these new releases or to learn more about the features we’re working on you can reach out to Nick Hancock, Product Manager at Nicholas.hancock@cvent.com for product demonstrations or roadmap details or contact Joe Meehan, Client Delivery Director at jmeehan@cvent.com for all other questions.

In case you missed the Conference launch details from the past few months:


Nick Hancock headshot

 This post was authored by Nick Hancock, Product Manager for Cvent Conference. When he isn’t at work you can find him riding trails on his mountain bike, golfing, or thinking about how to make event planners’ lives easier. 


Cvent Guest

Cvent is a market-leading meetings, events, and hospitality technology provider with more than 4,000 employees, ~21,000 customers, and 200,000 users worldwide.

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