July 21, 2020
By Cvent Guest

We've gathered the recent Cvent Conference product updates below into a brief summary to make it easy to see what’s new that launched last month.

Recently Released

Connect v2: Session and Exhibitor files for attendee download

Session and Exhibitor files can now be published in Connect v2. Attendees can download these files on any device they're using.

  • When to use:  Session and Exhibitor files provide important engagement material for attendees throughout the event life cycle.
  • Who would use:  Any event with Sessions or Exhibitors will benefit from gathering files (in the Speaker Resource Center and Exhibitor Resource Center) and publishing them out to attendees to increase engagement.


Several Exhibitor Management updates

- A new Exhibitor Payment Transaction report is now available in New Reports. This report allows cross-event reporting and provides clear visualizations of the money collected from your event sponsors and exhibitors.

- The apply-to-exhibit process in Conference has been simplified by now automatically adding the submitter as the primary contact for the exhibitor record.

- The complimentary pass management task in the Exhibitor Resource Center has an updated user interface to show invitee registration status more clearly.

- For the planner, we've added new exhibitor keywords for exhibitor participants and invoice items. Updates to the out-of-the-box invoice template make invoices easier to read and understand for exhibitors.

  • When to use:  Throughout the apply-to-exhibit and exhibitor management processes.
  • Who would use:  Any event using Conference Exhibitor Management tools can take advantage of these enhancements.
    updates to exhibitor mgmt


    Nomination v2: Resending approval emails

    Nomination Approvers can now resend approval and rejection emails to nominees that may have lost the email.

    • When to use:  This feature will be used when Nomination Approvers provide the main communication to nominees about their approvals and next steps.
    • Who would use:  Any event using nomination with several nomination flows or events where Approvers are the primary contact for the nominees.


    Current invoice summary report

    A new report that provides an easy-to-read, single line summary of each attendee invoice. This is complimentary to the Global Invoice Summary report, which provides a more detailed breakdown of each invoice and credit note and is primarily used for auditing and troubleshooting.

    • When to use:  Intended for day-to-day use to show the current state of each attendee invoice and expected revenue.
    • Who would use:  Any registration manager working with attendee invoices and payments.
    invoice summary update


    What’s upcoming?

    Here are a few items our development team is working on that will be launching soon.

    • “Virtual” meeting room support – 1:1 Meeting rooms will be able to be configured to support multiple meetings at the same time, in the same room. When enabled, Meeting Requesters will provide their own meeting location, which will be used as the room name throughout Conference and in email communications.
    • Enroll in multiple session times – Planners will have the option to allow attendees to enroll and attend multiple session times for the same session. This is particularly helpful for volunteer sessions, but also provides flexibility for virtual and hybrid events, so attendees have a better chance of seeing the content they want.
    • Improved integration with virtual event providers We're working on improving our out-of-the-box integration support with virtual providers to provide a more seamless attendee experience and more data on the attendee journey.

    For questions or more details on any of these product updates, please contact Michael Sorensen, Principal Product Manager, michael.sorensen@cvent.com or Joe Meehan, Client Delivery Director, jmeehan@cvent.com.





    This post was authored Michael Sorensen, Principal Product Manager for Cvent Conference. When he isn’t at work you can find him reading, playing guitar, or watching movies.


    Cvent Guest

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