January 17, 2020
By Cvent

We’ve gathered the recent Cvent Conference product updates below into a brief summary to make it easy for you to see what’s new from the past month.

Recently Released

Mobile Connect Update - Popular Session Recommendations

Attendees will be able to view a list of recommended sessions based on popularity. Popular session recommendations will show the 'most enrolled in' event sessions that attendees can sign up for.

  • When to use:  When using Mobile Connect + Attendee Scheduling is live
  • Who would use:  Planners, Attendees
mobile connect popular session


Mobile Connect Update - Enrollment Session Recommendations

Attendees can view a list of recommended sessions designed specifically for them. Recommendations are based on the session enrollment choices of other users -- who are enrolled in similar sessions as the user. These recommended sessions with the highest number of enrollments will display if the attendee is eligible to enroll.

  • When to use:  When using Mobile Connect + Attendee Scheduling is live
  • Who would use:  Planners, Attendees
mobile connect enrollment session


Lead Scoring & Engagement

A new lead score can now be generated to track attendee engagement. Planners can define their own categories and assign activity values for various event activities. As attendees complete an ‘activity’ the lead/engagement score will be generated for that marketing category. This will help planners identify highly engaged attendees for future lead generation purposes. Also, the lead score for each category can flow into Marketo to be incorporated as part of that individuals overall lead score. 

  • When to use:  At any point in the event life cycle as the system will retroactively calculate a score for each individual
  • Who would use:  Planners, Marketers
lead scoring


California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) support

Planners can provide attendees who are California residents with the ability to opt out of having their information sold. Planners can use a system field for attendees to opt out. A link will be available in the footer of the login page for attendee facing application. Planners can control whether this link is displayed as well as any associated text.

  • When to use:  If collecting personal information from California residents
  • Who would use:  Planners, Attendees


What’s upcoming?

Here are a few items our development team is working on that will be launching soon.

  • Cancellation Fees enhancements – Update to how Conference invoices will manage and show cancelled order items from tax invoices. When an order item is cancelled, if a cancellation fee is applied, the fee will be paid with accepted payments prior to initiating the refund. Also, a Cancellation Invoice will be generated.
  • File size increase for uploads in Exhibitor Resource Center – Exhibitors will be able to upload non-logo files up to 500MB. Planners will also be able to upload a non-logo file on behalf of an exhibitor.   
  • Overdue Exhibitor Resource Center (ERC) task email – Planners can configure and schedule a new email to send to specified exhibitor roles regarding overdue tasks. 

For questions or more details, please contact Jackie Ramos, Principal Product Manager, jackie.ramos@cvent.com or Joe Meehan, Client Delivery Director, jmeehan@cvent.com.


jackie ramos


This post was authored by Jackie Ramos, Principal Product Manager at Cvent. Jackie is a mom of three and in her spare time she enjoys weightlifting, hiking, and reading.



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