January 14, 2021
By Cvent Guest

We’ve gathered the recent Cvent Conference product updates below into a brief summary to make it easy for you to see what’s new that launched last month.

Recent Releases

Enhanced Exhibitor Reg Code Rules

Planners can now create Registration Codes for Exhibitors with more dynamic configuration to support complex business rules.

  • When to use:  You’re Exhibitors and Sponsors need to coordinate registration for their booth team and special invitees, but not all Sponsors receive the same entitlements for event registration, discounts, or booth design. Enhanced Exhibitor Reg Code Rules empower your Exhibitor/Sponsor Managers to meticulously control Registration Code and Package Discount entitlements given to Exhibitors for their Sponsorship Tier at the event and allows more granular control within Exhibitory Type categories.
  • Who would use: Exhibitor/Sponsor Managers.
Registration exhibitor contacts screen shot
Full Conference Pass screen shot

3DS2 Verification for PSD2 Compliance

As part of PSD2 requirements in the European Union (EU), all credit card payments must support strong customer authentication for cards issued by EU banks.

When to use:  When event attendees might use credit cards that were originated in banks within the European Union.

Who would use: Event Planners.


Branding Improvements for Attendee Resource Center

The “Files” section in the Session Detail views in ARC can now receive unique branding.

  • When to use:  Use the Files section of the Session Detail view to provide Session Attendees access to presentation files or other important documentation about the content.
  • Who would use:  Content Managers, Event Planners, Marketing Managers.

For more information on any of these new releases or to learn more about the features we’re working on, you can reach out to Nick Hancock, Product Manager at Nicholas.hancock@cvent.com for product demonstrations or roadmap details or contact Joe Meehan, Client Delivery Director at jmeehan@cvent.com for all other questions.

In case you missed the launch news from the past few months:


Nick Hancock headshot

This post was authored by Nick Hancock, Product Manager for Cvent Conference. When he isn’t at work you can find him riding trails on his mountain bike, golfing, or thinking about how to make event planners' lives easier. 


Cvent Guest

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