February 22, 2021
By Cvent Guest

February 2021 Conference Product News Round Up

We’ve gathered the recent Cvent Conference product updates below into a brief summary to make it easy for you to see what’s new that launched last month.

Recent Releases

New Call for Papers Admin Workflow

Planners now have the power and capabilities of the Conference Path Configuration design model at their disposal for Call for Papers. Easily set up your Content Submission workflows to ensure your Presenters are given an elite experience when engaging with your event website.

  • When to use:  Call for Papers is ideal for Event Planners who are searching for Sessions to include in the event’s final catalog. Beyond an experience just for receiving content submissions and speaker details, leverage Conference Session Tools to establish Voting and Approval workflows to curate your Content Catalog.
  • Who would use:  Ideal for Event Content Managers who are shopping for Session Content to be included in their Event Session Catalog.
call for papers_workflow

Predictive Field Entry

Standardize your registration form fields to offer predictive text entry input, ensuring reliable data entry for improved Attendee tracking and reporting.

  • When to use:  Predictive field entry on Standardized Fields is a key feature to ensure data about your Attendees is collected consistently, which will allow you to report on and track an Attendee’s event journey more accurately.
  • Who would use:  Registration Managers, Marketing Managers


Salesforce Integration: Campaigns, Leads, and Contacts

Seamlessly integrate your Salesforce CRM and Conference event data to ensure the engagement data collected on your Attendees throughout your event is sync’d with Salesforce -- providing your Sales and Marketing teams with the most qualified leads from your event.

  • When to use:  This is a must if your organization leverages Salesforce as your Sales or Marketing CRM, coupling your event data with your Sales and Marketing data.
  • Who would use:  Registration Managers, Marketing Managers, Sponsorship Managers, Event Planners.


For more information on any of these new releases or to learn more about the features we’re working on you can reach out to Nick Hancock, Product Manager at Nicholas.hancock@cvent.com for product demonstrations or roadmap details or contact Joe Meehan, Client Delivery Director at jmeehan@cvent.com for all other questions.

In case you missed the launch details from the past few months:




 This post was authored by Nick Hancock, Product Manager for Cvent Conference. When he isn’t at work you can find him riding trails on his mountain bike, golfing, or thinking about how to make event planners’ lives easier. 


Cvent Guest

Cvent is a market-leading meetings, events, and hospitality technology provider with more than 4,000 employees, ~21,000 customers, and 200,000 users worldwide.

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