April 19, 2021
By Cvent Guest

We’ve gathered the recent Cvent Conference product updates below into a brief summary to make it easy for you to see what’s new that launched last month

Recent Releases

Open Platform & Technical Initiatives

Event Insights and Advanced Reporting - Conference is proud to announce the release of a full-service reporting solution that helps you dig deep into your event data. Using advanced audience segmentation techniques, we’ll deliver rich insights about your most important events. Our team will partner with you to understand, plan, and report on the data your stakeholders care about most.

  • When to use:  Identifying event ROI is one of the primary tasks for any Event Marketer and persists as one of the most difficult challenges, year-over-year. Leverage our advanced business intelligence solution, along with a robust service offering, to maximize the value of the data you collect on your event attendees.
  • Who would use:  All event stakeholders
conference insights 1
conference insights 2


Salesforce Integration - We continue to improve our integration with Salesforce with resilience updates and can now push Contact and Lead Session Attendance data to Salesforce as part of the event’s Campaign objects.

  • When to use:  Salesforce is an industry-leading Sales and Marketing CMS system that is ideal for merging Attendee activity at your event with Marketing Campaigns and maximizing event ROI by building out an extensive Lead catalog for your Sales teams. 
  • Who would use:  Event Marketers, Sales, Event Planners
Conference SF Integration


Payments & Processing

In-line Credit Card Validation - All credit card payments made in Conference will now be assisted with in-line card validation, so that Attendees are immediately aware when they’ve made an entry error, ensuring the Attendee registration experience is seamless.

  • When to use:  The feature will always be on to assist your Attendees and Exhibitors through the payment step of Event Registration.
  • Who would use:  Event Attendees
Conference cc validation



Attendee Badge Photos - Reviewing thousands of Attendee Badge Photos for propriety has never been easier. Conference has improved its Attendee Badge Photo review process with enhanced filtering, more photo statuses, and improved results pagination to streamline an inherently laborious task.

  • When to use:  This feature is ideal for Event Planners on large events that require badge photos be submitted by Attendees and subsequently reviewed for propriety.
  • Who would use:  Event Planners and Registration Managers
Conference attendee badge


Absolute Session Timeout - In an effort to ensure Cvent Conference is consistently at the leading edge of security, we've released a new Security feature to enforce an absolute timeout, regardless of user activity. Don’t worry, the system will only exhibit this behavior if your event chooses to do so; Planners will be able to enable/disable the feature and configure the timeout duration.

  • When to use:  Absolute Session Timeout is most useful at preventing extended, brute-force, attacks which attempt to hijack a user’s sessions over an extended period of time. The feature ensures that the logged in user’s session tokens are refreshed at an interval which prevents them from being stolen.
  • Who would use:  Event Planners, Application Security
Conference absolute session


Attendee Resource Center

Meetings and Appointment Scheduling - Conference is excited to announce the release of Meeting and Appointment management in the Attendee Resource Center.

  • When to use:  Facilitate and endorse engagement between Sponsors and Attendees with a seamless, mobile-friendly, meeting scheduling experience. In addition to exhibitor engagement, put this easy scheduling tool in your Attendees hands to let them schedule meetings with other attendees. Schedule with confidence, knowing email communications to participants and schedule conflict checking will ensure all parties are available and aware of their event agenda.
  • Who would use:  Event Planners, Exhibitors, Attendees
Conference meetings scheduling


What’s Upcoming?

And a sneak peek of few enhancements that are in the works for later this year: 

  • Next-Gen Session Resource Center – We're completely redefining Session Management in Cvent Conference to better support Session and Content Managers with enhanced Speaker Management tools and reporting. But don’t worry, Speaker and other Session Participants aren’t being left out. We’re redesigning our SRC Home and Task interfaces to make Content Managers' lives easier with a new Task engine. Reach out for a demo!
  • Cvent Attendee Hub® Integration – As if a new SRC isn’t enough, we're ecstatic to announce that Conference will be offering a fully integrated Virtual Content hosting and engagement solution for your flagship event. The Cvent Attendee Hub is the de facto product in Virtual Events and will provide an unparalleled hybrid event experience for your planning team and your attendees.

For more information on any of these new releases or to learn more about the features we’re working on you can reach out to Nick Hancock, Product Manager at Nicholas.hancock@cvent.com for product demonstrations or roadmap details or contact Joe Meehan, Client Delivery Director at jmeehan@cvent.com for all other questions.

In case you missed the Conference launch details from the past few months:




This post was authored by Nick Hancock, Product Manager for Cvent Conference. When he isn’t at work you can find him riding trails on his mountain bike, golfing, or thinking about how to make event planners' lives easier. 


Cvent Guest

Cvent is a market-leading meetings, events, and hospitality technology provider with more than 4,000 employees, ~21,000 customers, and 200,000 users worldwide.

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