August 20, 2019
By John Hunter
If you want to successfully market your mobile event app, you have to be organized. Follow these three steps to stay on track.


Creating a plan ahead of time will help lead to better mobile event app adoption. 

  • Design website banners that read “Download This App Now.”
  • Write app teaser emails and social media tweets.
  • Write “App is Live” emails and social media tweets.
  • Edit “Download the App Now” PowerPoint slides to be used during “Welcome Announcements” the morning of your conference.
  • Create postcards for the drop bag explaining how to download the app.
  • Design and print pop-up tabletops with a QR code and URL to download the app.


Create your promotion calendar and figure out the “who, what, and when.” Decide who will be sending which promotional material and on what date.

  • Post banners on your website (who, what, when).
  • Launch teaser emails and post social media tweets (who, what, when).
  • Send “App is Live” emails and post social media tweets (who, what, when).


Always Be Marketing Your Mobile Event App.
Before the app launch date.  Once the app is live. The day of the event.


Encourage your attendees to download the app and provide on-site support during your event.
  • Train registration staff on how to download and use the mobile event app.
  • Give registration staff the FAQ sheet for simple troubleshooting issues.
  • Hand out “How to Download the App” postcard to attendees when they sign-in/register.
  • Put out pop-up tabletops near registration desks and have staff point them out to each attendee after they check in.
  • Continue promoting your event app on social media.
  • Include the “How to Download the App” PowerPoint slides in the “Welcome” presentation when the event kicks-off.
John Hunter

John Hunter

John is the Senior Manager of Event Cloud Content Marketing at Cvent. He has 11 years of experience writing about the meetings and events industry. John also has extensive copywriting experience across diverse industries, including broadcast television, retail advertising, associations, higher education, and corporate PR.

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