August 20, 2019
By Hannah Huston

A mobile event app is a great tool to add to your event toolkit and it isn't just for when attendees are onsite. Apps have many pre-event features that can help to build hype and increase attendee engagement. How does one do this, you ask? It’s actually pretty easy! Read on to discover how you can engage attendees before your event beings with gamification! Gamification is proven to increase engagement and is often used during an event, but did you know that you can gamify your event days, even weeks before your event starts?  CrowdCompass by Cvent offers two unique games for your attendees to play called Game and Click. Both of these games can help attendees get excited about your event.


Game is a great tool to get attendees comfortable with the app. Attendees gain points by doing in-app actions like uploading a profile picture and adding sessions to their schedule. Although the main goal of the game is to get your attendees familiar and comfortable with your app, it also fosters a bit of competition. Attendees gain points by performing actions and can check how they rank against other attendees by viewing the leaderboard. A great way to encourage app adoption is to create a pre-event competition using Game – the first attendee to max out their score could receive a prize such as a Starbucks gift card or a special piece of swag.


The other in-app game that CrowdCompass offers is called Click. Click functions more like a mobile scavenger hunt where your attendees upload pictures to gain points. Although the most obvious utilization of Click is during the event, you can get your attendees involved earlier by including a few pre-event photo challenges. Challenges could include What’s in your bag?, How I’m getting to the event?, I never leave home without…, and whatever else you come up with! By encouraging your attendees to play the games early on, they will arrive at the event excited and ready to get involved. Gamification is one of the best ways to ensure app adoption. After all, who doesn't like a little friendly competition? Additionally, when people see others using the app and having fun they won’t want to be left out! Gamification is an amazing tool to use pre-event, but how do you ensure people know about it? Social media is a great channel, and one you're probably already using. Get more traction from your event hashtag by using it to promote pre-event app challenges. Encourage your attendees to start posting in the days and weeks leading up to the event to build excitement. Advertise the in-app games and encourage competition by posting the standings every few days. The competition could event go beyond the in-app game and include social media challenges. One way to ignite social media would be to give a prize to the person who tweeted the most about the event. You could also choose a winner at random based on who used the event hashtag. However you choose to do it, there's no doubt that challenges will engage attendees. Your mobile event app and social media are great tools you can use to increase attendee excitement before your event. Take advantage of these mobile event app features and get your attendees engaged before they get to the venue. Have you gotten attendees involved with challenges before your event? Let us know in the comments below! Plus, learn more about improving attendee engagement at your events with our free eBook.

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