July 21, 2023
By John Hunter

According to a BrightTALK study, 91% of B2B professionals name webinars as their go-to learning platform, and over 54% of respondents attend webinars weekly or daily. 

So, why are these virtual events so popular? And, more importantly, how can your business leverage them for success? 

In this blog post, we'll delve into the top five reasons why attending webinars is a must for your business, backed up with practical and effective best practices for participating in a webinar. 

Attending Webinars

Why Attend Webinars?

Studies suggest that the average webinar attendance rate is 40%. That’s because webinars have become essential for learning, networking, and staying updated professionally. 

Let's delve deeper into each of these factors and some more to explain why you must attend webinars too. 

  1. Gain Insights from Industry Experts

Webinars offer a unique opportunity to learn directly from active and experienced professionals in their respective fields. These experts provide a comprehensive overview of their subject and are well-versed in the latest industry trends, developments, and challenges. 

Sure, the virtual environment may lack the physical proximity and immediate emotional connection of in-person interactions. But the ability to tap into the wisdom of thought-leaders from top-tier companies while comfortably seated at home or office with your favorite beverage is a compelling advantage of webinars. 

  1. Foster Business Growth

Changes in global business landscapes are inevitable, driven by evolving consumer trends, geopolitical shifts, and rapid technological advancements. For instance, consider the impact of automation on routine tasks. Businesses today can use AI software to automate repetitive tasks, allowing more time for strategic planning and decision-making. 

Therefore, committing to a philosophy of lifelong learning is a crucial differentiator for businesses. And webinars offer timely knowledge updates and invaluable insights into customer preferences, thus empowering you to increase your brand's loyalty and expand your reach. 

For budding entrepreneurs, webinars can help clear doubts and provide actionable advice, serving as an effective stepping stone in their business journey. 

  1. Connect with Potential Partners

Companies often host webinars with dual goals—attracting new customers and fostering robust relationships with current ones. However, this view only scratches the surface of their true potential. 

Many webinars are strategically designed to lure potential partners and forge enduring business ties, an integral facet of successful B2B marketing that aids in enhancing brand visibility and reinforcing partner trust. 

Webinars present an opportunity for learning effective business presentation skills. As an emerging business leader, you can gather insights on formulating a compelling business plan and integrating unique selling propositions into your narrative.

Large corporations strive to deliver exclusive and productive webinars, providing a rich learning environment that you can access without any financial outlay.

  1. Keep Tabs on Competitor Actions

Observing competitors and understanding their tactics is essential for businesses new to a particular niche. A practical way to do this is by attending their webinars. Getting insights from these sessions can help you comprehend their business strategies, identify potential weak spots, and devise your competitive plans. 

If you prefer not to reveal your identity, you can use an alias account, or you're your friend to sign up for you. These valuable insights can help craft your business strategy and identify your competitors' vulnerabilities, offering potential avenues for enhancing your enterprise. 

  1. Engage with Potential Customers

Webinars offer an interactive platform to engage with potential clients and partners. Most webinars feature activities like teamwork exercises, shared experiences, and feedback on participant outcomes, facilitating understanding of others' needs and future plans. Use this knowledge to build a database of potential clients and partners. 

For instance, if you plan to launch a digital marketing agency and notice that some webinar participants are discussing SEO or social media marketing challenges, you can compile their contact information.

Proactively reaching out to them later, offering your agency's solutions tailored to their discussed challenges, can position you as a top choice when selecting a future marketing partner.

The changing face of events will need new budget allocations for 2021

Bonus: Webinars are Cost Effective

Webinars provide an economical alternative to traditional seminars. Organizations can use the best webinar technology to reduce venue rentals, utility charges, transportation, and other expenses. They can also use webinar software to host the session free of cost. The virtually unlimited capacity for participants also ensures that the cost per attendee is considerably low. Thus, webinars provide an affordable yet valuable avenue for professionals and businesses to gain knowledge and insights, facilitating continuous growth. 

How To Attend A Webinar: Best Practices

If you're planning to attend webinars in the future, maximize your experience with these eight best practices: 

  • Calendar Reminder: Digital events can slip our minds. Add the event to your calendar, noting the time zone. 
  • Confirmation Email: Upon registration, you'll receive a confirmation email with details and a webinar link. Save it. 
  • Punctuality: Respect the host's time and avoid missing critical initial information. 
  • Microphone Settings: Mute your microphone on the webinar platform while listening to minimize disruptions. 
  • Tech Check: Ensure your software compatibility beforehand. If unsure, refer to the host's email for guidance. 
  • Polite Participation: Offer relevant, courteous questions or comments. 
  • Take notes: To retain the knowledge shared, jot down key points. 
  • Give Feedback: Help improve future webinars by spending a few minutes on a post-webinar survey.     


Webinars are a powerful tool revolutionizing how we learn, network, and conduct business. Whether you're looking to gain insights from industry experts, foster business growth, connect with potential partners, monitor competitor actions, or engage with prospective customers, attending webinars opens up opportunities. 

So, make it a point to integrate webinars into your professional development strategy. And remember, every webinar you attend is a step forward in your business journey.


John Hunter

John Hunter

John is the Senior Manager of Event Cloud Content Marketing at Cvent. He has 11 years of experience writing about the meetings and events industry. John also has extensive copywriting experience across diverse industries, including broadcast television, retail advertising, associations, higher education, and corporate PR.

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