August 20, 2019
By John Hunter
When you think about employee surveys most times you think about conducting surveys to understand employee satisfaction and engagement. However, there are many other types of employee surveys that you could be conducting to get a better understanding of all aspects of the employee lifecycle. These 5 types of surveys will give you a well-rounded view of your most important assets: your employees:

Engagement Surveys

These are the most common types of employee surveys. Employee engagement surveys are often kept anonymous so employees can be open and honest with their answers. Employee satisfaction surveys are great tools for improving morale within an organization. In fact, it's generally seen that companies that encourage or engage their employees to provide ideas and suggestions have higher employee retention rates and job satisfaction. Give your employees a chance to share insights and suggestions, and you'll have invaluable information that can be acted upon to increase workplace satisfaction and improve business processes.

New Hire Surveys

Creating new hire survey is a great way to understand how your organization is perceived and what gives your company a competitive edge. A few question you might consider asking are ‘What made you choose our company over others?” Or “How did you hear about our company?” “What was your interviewing experience like from a process and people perspective?” Obtaining answers to these questions will help you understand how to better structure your interview process as well as how to better train your employees for an interview.

360 Review

Collecting 360 feedback incorporates opinions from a full-circle perspective: coworkers, managers, the actual employee and any other voices that can contribute to the conversation. Collecting feedback from all parties involved provides for a better detailed analysis.

Compensation and Benefits Surveys

Understanding how your employees feel about their compensation and benefits is very important, as those are often time two of the biggest drivers that either retain or drain your employee base. Being able to tweak your benefits plan or adjusting salaries accordingly, these surveys will help you get to the bottom of what employees really want.

Pulse Surveys

This is a type of survey given to employees to better gauge and evaluate employee satisfaction, productivity, and attitude. These types of surveys are often given a few times a year on a regularly scheduled basis. A pulse survey is intended to allow management to get a sense of the “health” of the company in regards to its employees. So next time you’re considering running an employee survey, remember there are multiple kinds that each can help you to obtain specific information.  
John Hunter

John Hunter

John is the Senior Manager of Event Cloud Content Marketing at Cvent. He has 11 years of experience writing about the meetings and events industry. John also has extensive copywriting experience across diverse industries, including broadcast television, retail advertising, associations, higher education, and corporate PR.

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