
Support for Virtual and Hybrid Events Across the Lifecycle

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A collection of case studies highlighting how higher education institutions are supporting virtual events across the institution and student lifecycle.

As hybrid events become the norm across higher ed, event planners are facing a conundrum. Throughout the year, colleges and universities host an array of programs and events, and they need to be able to deliver high-quality experiences to a range of audience types - both in-person and online.

Despite enormous need, finding the right virtual and hybrid events platform to support such diverse programming can be a challenge. But the answer is out there. 

In this collection of case studies, you'll learn about how: 

  • The University of Portsmouth expanded the reach and impact of their recruitment efforts through virtual events

  • The University of Chicago Booth School of Business continued to engage alumni through virtual reunions

  • Washington University in St. Louis supported research events through a virtual Ph.D. Visit Day