
7 Misconceptions About Hybrid Events

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While we all still believe in the power of meeting people face-to-face, it is unlikely that events will immediately transition from virtual to in-person overnight. Right now, the industry is leaning more toward the hybrid event format as it combines both in-person and virtual experiences, offering the best of both worlds to planners and attendees alike. When done correctly, a hybrid event can broaden your audience and exposure, offer an international perspective, and provide a richer experience for everyone involved.

While the term ‘hybrid event’ may be new to many, the combined in-person and virtual event is not a new concept. However, there are still a lot of misconceptions circulating in the industry about what this event format entails and how to plan them. In this book, we are debunking the seven most common myths about hybrid events. We’re setting the record straight on some common misconceptions like:

  • The virtual element of a hybrid event is simply a live stream
  • Offering your event virtually will hurt your in-person attendance
  • You can keep virtual and in-person attendees engaged with the same tactics

Read this eBook to uncover the truth behind these and other popular myths and discover insights that will help you plan your way to hybrid event success!