Thompson Washington DC, part of Hyatt

2023 Travel & Leisure World's Best DC #4 2020 Conde Nast Readers' Choice Award Winner #4 2021 U.S. News & World Report Best Hotels - DC Silver #17

3D Event Space
Cvent Photo-realistic 3D Event Spaces give planners the ability to realize their vision down to the finest detail.
- 客房服務
- 景觀 (海洋或水)
- 檢視 (城市)
- 洗衣服務
- 禮賓服務
- 網際網路
- 行李寄存
- 語音信箱
- 電話 (免費電話)
- 電話 (本地)
- 允許帶寵物
- 場地內安全
- 場地內的餐廳
- 場地內餐飲
- 空間 (半私人)
- 空間 (室外)
- 空間 (私人)
- 輪椅無障礙
- AV 功能
- 視訊會議
- 貴賓服務
- 健身俱樂部
- 公交車
- 地鐵
- 機場班車
- 火車
- 計程車
- 可攜式熱熱
- 舞池
- 舞臺區域
- 裝卸碼頭
VALET PARKING Valet parking is available at the hotel entrance, includes in-and-out privileges. The daily parking rate is available until 11:00 PM, after which the rate will be changed to the overnight parking rate. DCA 5 miles IAD 31 miles BWI 33 miles Union Station .2 miles The nearest Metro station to Thompson Washington D.C. is the Navy Yard-Ballpark Metro station on the Green Line. Station entrances are located on M Street at Half Street and New Jersey Avenue. Metro fares vary based on the distance traveled and the time you ride.
- 收費停車場US$57.00 / 天
- 代客泊車US$57.00 / 天
- 街道停車
- 公交車停車場
4.4 米距離場地
Thompson Washington DC, part of Hyatt會議空間

DC Department of Human Resources
Thompson Washington DC, opened January 2020, is located in the revitalized Navy Yard neighborhood, where shopping, dining and nightlife surround, is just steps from Nationals Field and nearby the Wharf and Capitol. This lifestyle-luxury hotel has 225 rooms including 17 suites, some with balconies, views of the River and Nationals Field. The hotel features Surveyor, a true-American-inspired supper house, drawing inspiration from traditional American dishes and classic spirit-forward cocktails. Featuring floor to ceiling windows and outdoor seasonal space, join us at Rooftop at the Thompson for 360-degree cool views and sunset hues. Nestled alongside the Anacostia River, the all-season social anchor of the Navy Yard is the go-to bar for year-round waterfront vibes, after-work bevvies, private events and gatherings. Thompson Washington DC offers 7,000 square feet of indoor and outdoor event space including stunning Rooftop views of the River and Nationals Field. Thompson event spaces include private dining rooms and meeting spaces with floor to ceiling windows and the Rooftop space with 2,500 square feet of divisible inside space and 2,600 square feet of outside space. The hotel is a few blocks from the Metro with easy access to all neighborhoods of the city.
Once Contract is signed, cancellation applies typically a sliding scale cancellation policy is contracted