BEI San Francisco, Trademark Collection by Wyndham

- 檢視 (城市)
- 洗衣服務
- 禮賓服務
- 網際網路
- 行李寄存
- 語音信箱
- 允許帶寵物
- 場地內安全
- 場地內餐飲
- 延長住宿
- 空間 (半私人)
- 空間 (室外)
- 空間 (私人)
- 輪椅無障礙
- AV 功能
- 商務中心
- 公交車
- 地鐵
- 機場班車
- 火車
- 計程車
- 便攜式牆壁
- 舞池
- 舞臺區域
From the North: Drive south on US 101 Van Ness Ave to Market St. Turn left on Market St to 8th St. Turn right on 8th St. Hotel is located one half block on right. From the South: Take 101 North to downtown San Francisco exiting on 9th St. Drive north to Market St turn right one block to 8th St and turn right on 8th St. Hotel is located one half block on right. From Local Airports: San Francisco International Airport (SFO) : Take 101 N towards San Francisco. Exit 433C 9th Street. Left on 9th Street. Right on Market. Right on 8th Street. Oakland International Airport (OAK) : Take I-880 N. Take exit 46A on the left to I-80W towards San Francisco/ Bay Bridge. Take exit towards 9th St/ Civic Center. Take a right on 9th. Take a right on Market. Take a right on 8th st. Hotel is on the right hand side half way down. San Jose International Airport (SJC) : Take Airport Blvd to Skyport Drive. Merge left onto CA-87 N. exit 101 N towards San Francisco. Exit 433C 9th Street. Left on 9th Street. Right on Market. Right on 8th Street.
- 收費停車場US$55.00 / 天
- 公交車停車場
11.9 米距離場地
BEI San Francisco, Trademark Collection by Wyndham會議空間
Welcome to BEI San Francisco, Trademark Collection by Wyndham We've redefined spaces where we stay, work and play by making room for harmony, comfort and flexibility in our daily lives. Whether in town for business or leisure, you’ll enjoy quick access to City Hall, the Moscone Convention Center, Orpheum Theatre or shopping and dining in Hayes Valley.
Our standard group cancellation policy is 100% after signature of contract.
In addition to our traditional meeting space, we also offer our Lobby and 4th floor outdoor terrace as options for those needing creative space to inspire their attendees.
Thank you for your interest in BEI San Francisco, Trademark Collection by Wyndham! Our meeting space is currently under renovation and projected to be completed by June 2019.