Luxexpo The Box
- 網際網路
- 允許帶寵物
- 場地內的餐廳
- 場地內餐飲
- 空間 (半私人)
- 空間 (室外)
- 空間 (私人)
- 輪椅無障礙
- AV 功能
- 視訊會議
- 貴賓服務
- 公交車
- 機場班車
- 火車
- 計程車
- 便攜式牆壁
- 可攜式熱熱
- 舞池
- 舞臺區域
3.11 米距離場地
- 收費停車場
Luxexpo The Box會議空間
Located in the multi-modal transport hub in Kirchberg and rubbing shoulders with the European institutions, LUXEXPO THE BOX is ideally situated in the heart of Luxembourg’s business district. The main European capitals and cities of the Greater Region are easily accessible via the transport network. LUXEXPO THE BOX organises, promotes and hosts specialised fairs and exhibitions, seminars and conferences as well as all other economic events of national and international scope within its 34.250 m2. With 7 multifunctional halls and 9 modular conference rooms, Luxexpo The Box accommodates every year over 425 000 visitors from 45 different countries and over 2 000 exhibitors. We are actively involved in making the event a success. That is why Luxexpo The Box provides a very complete range of services and all the technical supervision and support you may need. LUXEXPO THE BOX, THE PLACE WHERE IDEAS BECOME REALITY !