VisTaTech Center at Schoolcraft College
- AV 功能
- 傢俱
- 場地內的餐廳
- 桌布
- 空間 (私人)
- 網際網路
- 輪椅無障礙
- 便攜式牆壁
- 舞臺區域
- 允許外部餐飲
- 允許飲酒
- 場地內餐飲
20.8 米距離場地
- 免費停車場
- 收費停車場
VisTaTech Center at Schoolcraft College會議空間
Should cancellation of your event become necessary less than thirty (30) calendar days prior to your event, and through no fault of Schoolcraft College, you will forfeit the deposit for terminating your contract. If cancellation is necessary ten (10) calendar days prior to your event, you will be responsible for 100% of the room rental fees, 50% of the food and beverage costs as well as any costs incurred by the College for the event. If cancellation is necessary five (5) calendar days or less, you will be responsible for 100% of rental fees and related costs, plus 100% of requested food and beverage.
Decorations are to remain within the reserved room(s). No posters, banners, signs on wall(s). Parking is available in the north and south parking lots. Security - Schoolcraft Police Department available if needed. City and county health departments require that Schoolcraft College not allow any food or beverage to be brought into, or taken from, the facility by our guests. All food and beverage must be consumed on the premises. Schoolcraft College is a smoke and tobacco free facility.