Tivoli Oriente Lisboa Hotel
- 客房服務
- 景觀 (海洋或水)
- 檢視 (城市)
- 洗衣服務
- 禮賓服務
- 網際網路
- 行李寄存
- 語音信箱
- 電話 (免費電話)
- 允許外部餐飲
- 場地內安全
- 場地內的餐廳
- 場地內禮品店
- 場地內餐飲
- 租車服務
- 空間 (半私人)
- 空間 (私人)
- 賭場
- 輪椅無障礙
- AV 功能
- 商務中心
- 視訊會議
- 貴賓服務
- 健身俱樂部
- 室內游泳池
- 公交車
- 地鐵
- 機場班車
- 火車
- 計程車
- 便攜式牆壁
- 舞池
- 舞臺區域
0.93 米距離場地
- 收費停車場
- 街道停車
- 公交車停車場
Tivoli Oriente Lisboa Hotel會議空間
Cancellations (total/partial), reduction in the Nbr of #s or MT, no shows, latearrival and earlydeparture. a)In the period btwthe date this contract is signed and 90days prior to the planned arrival dateOfTheG, the client may cancel the #s, MT and/or F&B reserved W/o charge or additional penalty beyond the non-refundable payments already made, provided that the hotel is informed of the cancellation in writing. b)In the period btw89and60days prior to the planned arrival date of the G, the client may reduce the Nbr of #s,[MT and/or F&B] reserved by up to 15%, W/o charge/penalty, provided that the hotel is informed in writing. Should this % be exceeded, the hotel shall charge a sum equivalent to 50%of each # [meeting room and/or F&B cancelled.] c)In the period btw59and30days prior to the planned arrival dateOfTheG, the client may reduce the Nbr of #s (communication sent in writing up to 60days before the planned arrival date of the G or, should this communication not have been sent, the Nbr of #s initially requested) MT, [and/or F&B] reserved by up to 10%, W/o charge / penalty, provided that the hotel is informed in writing.Should this % be exceeded, the hotel shall charge a sum equivalent to 60%of each # [meeting room and/or F&B] cancelled. d)In the period btw29and15 days prior to the planned arrival date of the G, the client may reduce the Nbr of #s reserved (communication sent in writing up to 60days before the planned arrival date of the G or, should this communication not have been sent, the Nbr of #s initially requested) MT, [and/or F&B] reserved by up to5%, W/o charge / penalty. Should this % be exceeded, the hotel shall charge a sum equivalent to 75%of each # meeting room [and/or F&B] cancelled. e)Less than 14days prior to the planned arrival date of the G any cancellation of #s / MT reserved shall be charged at full price. F&B cancelled btw14and3days prior to the planned arrivaldateofthe G shall be charged at 50%. Cancellations made less than three 3days, the hotel shall charge F&B at full price. f)Spaces, including #s, MT / F&B reserved which are not occupied / provided on the planned date due to reasons attributable to the client and/or the members of the G, more specifically, late arrivals, no-shows, MT not used / food and beverages not consumed, will be charged at full price. Early departures will also be charged at full price. #=room ; food and beverage services= F&B; meeting rooms= MT; Group= G; Without=W/o; between=btw; percentage =%