Cvent Supplier Network

South Africa National Convention Bureau

PO Box 787 310 Sandton, 2146
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Why Choose Our Destination?

Successfully bidding to host some of the many highly demanding, yet lucrative International conferences and events in our region require not only having world-class facilities and services but facilitating the right balance of what our region has to offer in the best mix and alignment with the bidder’s specific requirements. Given that we compete against Europe, North America, Asia and every other region across the globe, this often requires a balance of locality, service and value for money in persuading International decision makers to choose Southern Africa and Africa as the event destination of choice for their prestige events. It is our sincere belief that putting Southern Africa’s and Africa’s ‘best foot forward’ in International bid submission presents our regional stakeholders the best possible hope and opportunity of wining more lucrative International business into our region than would be the case if each individual entity had to submit independent competitive bids from our region. Our skills in interpreting International bid requirements, leveraging our strong relationships with many local professional associations and aligning these with the very best of Southern Africa’s and Africa’s conferencing, event facilities and services in a professional and efficient manner will make the most efficient case for attracting International Conference and Event business into our region. A recently established consultancy and full service marketing company dedicated to providing realistic and cost effect solutions and business opportunities based in Southern Africa. In the short time that the South Africa National Convention Bureau has been operational; the company has already established a growing reputation for providing sensible and realistic sales and marketing support for clients. The South Africa National Convention Bureau primary responsibility will be to market and sell the destination it represents, secure future meetings, congresses, exhibitions and other related business events to the destination, thus affording our clients a range of destinations, venues, options and service providers that will best suit their needs. We will act as an intermediary between the planners, CVBs and meetings industry of the destination. We will provide information about suppliers for meetings and incentives and introduce the planners to local suppliers.


1 家酒店的客房483


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Distance from O.R. Tambo International Airport airport 19.263 mi
Distance from Lanseria International Airport airport 21.748 mi


South Africa National Convention Bureau常見問題

瞭解South Africa National Convention Bureau有關健康與安全、可持續性以及多樣性和包容性的常見問題


請提供任何公開傳達的South Africa National Convention Bureau的可持續性或社會影響目標/策略的評論或連結。
South Africa National Convention Bureau是否有專注於消除和轉移廢物(即塑膠、紙張、紙板等)的策略? 如果是,請詳細說明消除和轉移廢物的策略。


僅對於美國酒店,South Africa National Convention Bureau和/或母公司是否被認證為 51% 的多元化所有制商業企業(BE)? 如果是,請說明您獲得以下哪一項認證:
如果適用,請提供South Africa National Convention Bureau關於其在多樣性、公平和包容性方面的承諾和舉措的公開報告的連結。


South Africa National Convention Bureau的做法是根據公共政府實體或私營組織的衛生服務建議制定的嗎? 如果是,請列出使用了哪些組織的建議來制定這些做法:
South Africa National Convention Bureau是否對公共區域和公共設施(如會議室、餐廳、電梯站等)進行清潔和消毒? 如果是,請說明採取了哪些新措施。
為什麼要添加一個 CVB(會議和旅遊局)?

Report an issue with this venue profile to the Cvent Supplier Network.