The Bartlett Performing Arts and Conference Center
- 場地內餐飲
- 空間 (私人)
- 輪椅無障礙
- 舞臺區域
- 裝卸碼頭
11.5 米距離場地
- 收費停車場
The Bartlett Performing Arts and Conference Center會議空間
Kele & Associates Lobby and the Brother Auditorium Business Special for all day meetings: (M-F, 8AM - 5PM) $425.00 Hourly Rate: $105 per hour with a 4-hour minimum Auditorium Seating Capacity: 350 maximum On Stage Seating Arrangement Capacity: 150 maximum Lobby Capacity: (for a sit down dinner or buffet) 75 maximum Lobby Capacity (for stand-up receptions) 125-140 maximum Studio (Room Capacity depends on Set-up) Business Special for all day meetings: (M-F, 8AM - 5PM) $200.00 Hourly Rate: $55 per hour with a 4-hour minimum A E Beaty Conference Room (Room Capacity depends on Set-up) Business Special for all day meetings (M-F, 8AM - 5PM) $170.00 Hourly Rate: $50 per hour with a 4-hour minimum The Green Room (Room Capacity depends on Set-up) Business Special for all day meetings (M-F, 8AM -5PM) $170.00 Hourly Rate: $50 per hour with a 4-hour minimum