Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company

Cvent Supplier Network ile ilgili ayrıntılar
641 D Street Northwest Washington, DC 20004


  • Ücretli park
  • Sokağa park etme

Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company Toplantı Yeri

Toplantı odaları4
Ayakta durma kapasitesi300
En büyük oda1 fitkare
İkinci en büyük oda1 fitkare
Koltuk kapasitesi265

Daha fazla

Ek Bilgiler

Woolly Mammoth has received more than 130 Helen Hayes Award nominations for its productions and 24 Helen Hayes Awards, including six Charles MacArthur Awards for Outstanding New Play. The Outside Woolly program has been honored with the Washington Post Award for Outstanding Community Service, and Woolly Mammoth has twice received the Mayor’s Arts Award for Excellence.

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