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Lace Market Hotel

29-31 High Pavement The Lace Market, Nottingham, İngiltere, NG1 1HE
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About us

Lace Market Hotel is a luxury Nottingham city centre hotel claiming pride of place in the heart of Nottingham's trendy and vibrant Lace Market area. Formerly a Georgian townhouse, the building has been refurbished to an exceptionally high standard and our hotel in Nottingham boasts 51 beautiful bedrooms, with a quintessentially British gastro pub and meeting room. It is situated in the heart of Nottingham's trendy Lace Market. This vibrant and up-beat part of Nottingham is just off the main shopping district and only minutes from the Motorpoint Arena. Lace Market Hotel offers surroundings with style, the very best in food and drink and spectacular service creating a unique destination delivering amazing experiences to guests. Whether you require a small room for holding interviews or are planning a residential conference we have a range of Nottingham meeting rooms and facilities to accommodate you and your guests exactly. The hotel has a choice of private rooms, perfect as meeting rooms or for private dining. Additionally, a stylish meeting room, which is ideal for up to 30 delegates, offer an inspiring space and central location to hold events in Nottingham.

Mekan Ayrıntıları

ZincirIndependent / Other
İnşa Edildiği Yıl-
Renove Edildiği Yıl2015
Toplam toplantı alanı494 fitkare
Misafir Odası51
Mekan TipiOtel


Oda özellikleri ve misafir hizmetleri
  • Çamaşır yıkama hizmeti
  • İnternet erişimi
  • Manzara (Şehir)
  • Oda servisi
  • Valiz emanet
  • Alan (Özel)
  • Hayvan dostu
  • Restoran
  • Uzun süreli konaklama
  • Yemek Hizmeti (Catering)
Ticari hizmetler
  • AV olanakları
  • Otobüs
  • Taksi
  • Tren
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Toplantı odaları

Toplam toplantı alanı
494 sq. ft.
En büyük oda
409,0 sq. ft.
Alan (Özel)
Toplantı odaları
Koltuk kapasitesi
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Toplantı yeri

Oda büyüklüğü
Tavan yüksekliği
Max capacity
U şekilli
Banket yuvarlak masa
Toplantı Odası
Yarım ay (Kulüp)
Boş kare
Flagstaff Room
409,0 sq. ft.
7 x 5 fitkare
12 fit

Misafir odası

Toplam misafir odası



Distance from airport 1 mi

Yerel İlgi Merkezleri

Nottingham Castle
Nottingham Castle
5 dk.
Civil War flared here, revolts roared here, and rebels roused the masses in the name of social justice. And, of course, the Castle was famously tussled over by Robin Hood and the villainous Sheriff of Nottingham in countless films and retellings of the legend. Nottingham Castle’s story began in 1068, when William the Conqueror ordered the construction of a castle at Nottingham, as he aimed to fortify Norman power over central and northern England. The Castle began life as a wooden motte-and-bailey, before being developed into an imposing stone fortress. The structure has been destroyed and rebuilt throughout its tumultuous history. By 1330, Nottingham Castle had become a royal palace and was the scene of a bloody coup by supporters of the young Edward III. They made clever use of the network of caves underneath the castle. Sneaking in undetected, they captured Queen Isabella and her lover, Roger Mortimer. Mortimer was later executed as a traitor, while Queen Isabella’s ghost is said to haunt Mortimer’s Hole, the secret cave route into the Castle. It was from Nottingham Castle that King Richard III departed for the Battle of Bosworth in 1485 – an ill-fated mission that would cost him the crown and his life. In 1642, King Charles I hoisted his standard flag at Nottingham Castle, rallying an army and triggering the beginning of the bloody English Civil War. Charles’ support in Nottingham was short-lived and the town became a Parliamentary stronghold, governed by Colonel John Hutchinson and his wife, Lucy. You can read Lucy’s memoirs in the Rebellion gallery. Rebellion and resistance against injustice have never been far away, and as the Industrial Revolution took hold, Nottingham was transformed into a darkening dystopia of poverty-ridden slums and brutal factories. The Luddites fought back, selectively smashing industrial machinery to defend their livelihoods. In 1831, rioters torched the Castle following the Duke of Newcastle’s vote against extending the right to vote. The charred remains were left for half a century before creativity blossomed, and an art gallery rose from the ashes. The Castle was rebuilt in its current form and reopened as the first municipal art gallery outside London for all the people of Nottingham to enjoy.
Nottingham Castle Trust
Lenton Road
Nottingham, GB NG1 6EL
Web sitesini ziyaret et
Galleries of Justice
Galleries of Justice
1 dk.
Galleries of Justice Museum
The Lace Market
Nottingham, GB NG1 1HN
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Motorpoint Arena
Motorpoint Arena
Kongre merkezi
2 dk.
Motorpoint Arena Nottingham
Bolero Square, The Lace Market
Nottingham, GB NG1 1LA
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Lace Market Hotel Sık Sorulan Sorular

Sağlık & Güvenlik, Sürdürülebilirlik ve Çeşitlilik & Kapsayıcılık konularında Lace Market Hotel tarafından sıkça sorulan sorulara göz atın

Sürdürülebilir uygulamalar

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Çeşitlilik ve Kapsayıcılık

Yalnızca A.B.D.'deki oteller için: Lace Market Hotel tesisinin ve/veya ana şirketinin %51 oranında çeşitliliğin sağlandığı bir ticari işletme sertifikası var mı? Cevabınız evet ise aşağıdaki sertifikalardan hangisine sahip olduğunuzu belirtin.
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Varsa, lütfen Lace Market Hotel tesisinin çeşitlilik, eşitlik ve kapsayıcılıkla ilgili taahhütleri ve girişimleri hakkındaki herkese açık raporunun bir bağlantı paylaşabilir misiniz?
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Sağlık ve güvenlik

Lace Market Hotel tesisinin politikaları, kamu kurumlarının veya özel kuruluşlarının sağlık hizmeti tavsiyelerine uygun şekilde mı hazırlandı? Cevap evet ise lütfen bu uygulamaları geliştirmek için hangi kuruluşların kullanıldığını yazın.
Yanıt alınmadı.
Lace Market Hotel tesisi, kamuya açık alanları ve genel erişime açık olanakları (ör. toplantı odaları, restoranlar, asansör girişleri vb.) temizliyor ve sterilize ediyor mu? Cevabınız evet ise alınan yeni önlemleri açıklayın.
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