Kuopio Music Center
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Kuopio Music Center Toplantı Yeri
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Kuopio Music Centre is among the elite of Finnish concert and congress halls but is also so much more. Like a caring mother bird it spreads its protective wings over the Kuopio music scene, offering a nest to the Kuopio Symphony Orchestra and lending its shelter to several grateful visitors annually. The building also provides educational facilities for future professionals of music and dance, who help ensure that the house leads a modern life, remaining youthful without becoming old in spirit. Kuopio Music Centre, designed by Esa Malmivaara and Raimo Savolainen, was completed in August 1985 and is located by the bank of the Kuopio Bay, just a few blocks from Kuopio's famous marketplace. It houses over 300 events annually and the attendance varies between 100,000-150,000.