Hotel Sumitra

เรียนรู้ว่า Cvent Supplier Network มีการทำงานอย่างไร
93/32, Grain Market, Near Latouche Road Santoshi Mata Mandir, Ganesh Ganj Lucknow 226001


  • 6.84 ไมล์จากสถานที่จัดงาน

พื้นที่การประชุม Hotel Sumitra



Hotel Sumitra is located at 93/32, Grain Market, Near Latouche Road in Lucknow. Hotel Sumitra is the right place for business travelers in midst of all tourist attractive places yet located in a calm locale only 08 km away from the domestic/international Airport and not even a minute away from the shopping plaza. A calm and cozy ambiance just to balance between you and your comfort. The first look will itself say “A place with Modernity” a perfect blend between modern architect, the paintings and furniture sets the tone of stylist.

