Salons Waerboom
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พื้นที่การประชุม Salons Waerboom
A stay in the Waerboom Hotel is an unforgettable experience. At a 5 minute distance from the heart of Brussels or Zaventen but nevertheless in the midst of the lush green. A family hotel at its best. All rooms and suites are equipped with television, telephone, and minibar. Our modern hotel accommodations offers you state-of-the-art accommodation to simply spend the night or to organize the most elaborate residential seminars. The Waerboom Salons are perfectly attuned to our needs as an organize of business events. The overall building may host groups ranging from 10 to 1000 people. as all rooms can be compartmentalized, the Waerboom Salons offer unlimited possibilities for product presentations, incentive gatherings, personal parties, seminars.