Red Roof Inn Copiague

Lär dig hur Cvent Supplier Network fungerar
10 34th Street Copiague, NY 11726


Rumsfunktioner och gästservice

  • Internet
  • Röstbrevlåda
  • Samtal (lokala)


  • Djurvänlig
  • Handikappanpassat

Anläggningens handikappanpassning

  • Taxi

Avstånd från flygplats

  • 34.3 mi. från anläggningen


  • Fri parkering



Cancellation policies vary by rate plan and date. Always review rate rules for applicable cancellation information. All policies use local check-in time for policy calculation. To ensure accuracy, please cancel using the same method in which you booked

Mer information

Check in Age: 21 years or older. Pet Policy: Service animals and Emotional Support Animals (“Assistance Animals”) are welcome at all of our properties and must be declared at check-in. Pets are not permitted at this location. Deposit Policy: A refundable $50 deposit is required from all guests at check in. Special Policy: A valid state ID is required at check in for all guests staying in a room.

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